>> Hot Hot Heat: Happiness LTD (2007)

Artist: Hot Hot Heat

Album: Happiness LTD

Genre: Rock

Label: Reprise

Tracks: 11

Release Date: September 3, 2007

Discs: 1

Rating: 4.34 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

One, if they were so inclined to do and knew no better, could take The Killers and The Bravery and Hot Hot Heat and play them back to back for non-fans and without a doubt, more then half of those non-fans would never know they were listening to three separate bands.

In all fairness Hot Hot Heat did hit the scene first, having public record show they appeared in 2000-2001 when the other two bands made their appearances with debut albums in 2004 (The Killers) and 2005 (The Bravery). So I guess it's the notion that this is what Hot Hot Heat does and they shouldn't have to change just because two similar bands emerged in their wake.

For the record I'd like to say that Hot Hot Heat, for all the good it does them, separates themselves enough from the other two noted bands (and the likely twenty or so other bands waiting in the halls) by putting on somewhat of a theatrical and manic performance in their new album, Happiness LTD. I must have listened to track 3 over a dozen times (5 Times Out of 100) picturing some wild punk rock play on some seedy stage with dirty red curtains and a troupe of greasy haired, oddly dressed players singing in unison in some wild dance.

Some of the other tracks on the later half of the album had the opposite effect. I drove in my car listening to the CD and wondering if maybe the band just ran out of things to do at the back end of their album and when this one song would end (Conversation). But for all my complaining I must admit that the album had me hooked. I gave it at least three complete runs before writing this review. The one true opposition this album has is the familiarity between its sound and previous sounds of the new wave era.

Having been poster boy for the late early eighties and beyond culture of electronic meets post punk era I wallowed in the familiarity of the bands adaptation of The Cure, Modern English, Love and Rockets, and so on and so forth. The question is, does this make the talent of the band less or more? I'm willing to take their side and say that yes, Hot Hot Heat is a completely capable band that survives on its own juice. Hopefully further down the line the band will evolve. Until then Happiness LTD. Is a fine album to own and to listen to every few days or so.


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