>> Judgement Day: Polar Shift (2012)

Artist: Judgement Day

Album: Polar Shifts

Members: Anton Patzner, Lewis Patzner, Jon Bush

Genre: Metal, Other, Rock

Label: Minus Head Records

Tracks: 14

Release Date: July 31, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.55 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

What do you call a band that plays rock music in an orchestra manner? Judgment Day, at least that's the name of this 3-man band. You read that correctly, Judgment Day consists of only 3 members, 2 of which are brothers, Anton and Lewis Patzner, along with Jon Bush, playing songs that could be classical music as well as metal. Actually it could also be a little punk, rock, and has a hint of progressive rock mixed in for a little flavor.
Talking about being surprised and unexpected when listening to a song, I was taken aback when I heard the album Polar Shift by Judgment Day. Hearing the cello as the opening of the song Annexed being played almost like it's being check to see if it's in tune or not to it quickly being played with quick swipes giving a sound as if I were running. This one song had me listen to it 3 times in a row after the first time I heard it because of how well these 3 guys have taken the violin, cello, and drums and putting them into a intense, quick paced, thumping song. In fact the whole of the album can be described in this manner as these guy rock out these classical style instruments.
At times the music has this chaotic sound where it almost sounds like the guys are just learning how to play a song but are playing different parts at the same time, but in a cool beat. It's sound is one of controlled mess that's well organized for a fun tune. One aspect that I liked is how there are no vocals in the songs. During the album it's all instruments being played but I think if there had been some vocals it would have taken away a lot of the impact of the sound the songs have. There's something to be said about not saying anything, and Judgment Day says it quite loudly and clearly on Polar Shift. I was really enjoying the violin and cello being played in the songs because it's rare that I hear them played in this manner and when they are it's only for a short period. Having a whole album where these instruments are being played like they are part of a rock and roll band instead of being in an orchestra was a fresh and enjoyable sound.



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