>> Klogr: Till you Decay (2012)

Artist: Klogr

Album: Till you Decay

Members: Rusty, Nicola Briganti, Todd Allen, Filippo De Pietri

Genre: Rock

Label: Zeta Factory

Tracks: 11

Type: LP

Release Date: January 30, 2012

Rating: 3.75 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Klogr is an Italian alternative metal group that knows how to rock. They are a talented group of guys with great instrumentals and awesome vocals that works in perfect harmony. Their debut album is entitled “Till you Decay” and it was released on the end of January. The album perfectly showcases their skills and what Klogr is capable of doing when given the chance to express themselves.

I loved the instrumentals and the vocals on the whole album. These guys really know how to play their instruments and sound great when rocking out. The solos on “White Eyes” and “You gotta Know” were very memorable and sounded really good. Klogr sounded great whether it was a slower alternative song or a fast paced heavy metal song. To make things even better, their vocalist, Rusty, added so much more raw emotion and feelings to the songs with his great vocal range. Both elements collaborated well to produce a unique sound that has not been heard in a while.

My favorite song on the album was “Bleeding” because it was up-tempo and can get any person moving when it’s played. This song had the most mass appeal and seems perfect for the radio. The only minor issue I could find with the album was how you could hear Rusty’s accent on the slower songs. Thankfully, the instrumentals conceal it most of the time and it added a little Italian flavor to their sound, which was not all bad.

I would recommend this album to others, especially those into rock and alternative music. It might not appeal to everyone, but it is definitely worth a listen. These are so good, they can make anyone want to join in on a mosh pit. For those reasons, I am giving this CD a “B+.” 

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