>> Kuf Knotz: Boombox Logic (2010)

Artist: Kuf Knotz

Album: Boombox Logic

Genre: Rap/Hip Hop

Label: Mad Dragon Records

Tracks: 14

Type: LP

Release Date: October 25, 2010

Rating: 3.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Official Site

Boombox Logic is the latest album from rapper Kuf Knotz. It mixes old school hip-hop with new school vibe to provide music that die hard fans will love and newcomers can latch on to.

What I like about Boombox Logic is that it doesn't try to be in your face like some rap albums tend to do. The rhythm of the music flows from song to song. The first half mainly is comprised of music reminiscent of old school hip hop MCs and then slowly transitions into more modern music. It works well with the style of the album.

Boombox Logic isn't without its faults though. Some of the songs are drawn out way too long and feature unnecessary pauses. "Outro," I'm looking at you. Other than that, the music is pretty solid.

Kuf Knotz has created something that everyone might not enjoy but they can at least appreciate. Give Boombox Logic a try, even if you're not that into rap music. You might like what you hear.

Follow me on Twitter @Majiesto


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