>> Ludo: Prepare The Preparations (2010)

Artist: Ludo

Album: Prepare the Preparations

Members: Andrew Volpe, Tim Ferrell, Tim Convy, Matt Palermo

Genre: Rock

Label: Island Records

Tracks: 12

Type: LP

Release Date: September 7, 2010

Rating: 3.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Official Site

 Riding high after their Clear Channels Best of NEW! ‘Best Alternative’ award in 2008, Ludo has returned – and the two years on the road have done them no harm.  The band – Andrew Volpe (vocals, guitar), Tim Ferrell (guitar, vocals), Tim Convy (Moog synthesizer, key¬boards, vocals), and Matt Palermo (drums, vocals) – are in fine form for their brand new toe tapping, head banging album ‘Prepare The Preparations.’

It is extremely rare that a music CD takes me by surprise – but this has happened today.  Prepare The Preparations is a fantastically delicious piece of musical pie, and one that never outstays its 46 minute run time – in fact, I would quite happily sit and listen to at least another half a dozen tracks before starting to glance elsewhere.  There is an upbeat streak that runs through the album which is impossible not to nod your head to; but that’s not to say all the tracks are the same.  ‘Skeletons on Parade’ throws you off balance with a bizarre, funny voiced marching rendition, whilst ‘I’ll never be lonely again’ is almost akin to an old fashioned love Ballard in terms of tempo
In terms of negative points, sometimes Andrew Volpe’s voice isn’t as strong as it needs to be to pull off some of the more challenging sections of certain songs.  There is also a distinct lack of strong beats throughout the album.  This is my personal taste, but when I turn up the music I like my ears to wonder just what the heck is going on – and that never really happens here.  The beats are most definitely there, but it’s like they are being played behind a thin wall, taking the edge off slightly.

Don’t let these minor quibbles put you off though – if you’re looking for some inoffensive music that has the ability to rock the house without shaking it down, look no further than Ludo.

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