>> Neal Morse: Momentum (2012)

Artist: Neal Morse

Album: Momentum

Members: Neal Morse

Genre: Rock

Label: Metal Blade

Tracks: 6

Type: EP

Release Date: August 30, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Official Site

 Neal Morse’s “Momentum” sound like Rock, but more like 80’s Rock.  When listening to Neal’s contribution to our music atmosphere, I imagine watching the original animated Transformers series, or maybe watching Full House or (if I was a girl) reading Sweet Valley High.  If you’ve read my reviews before, saying that an album is dated, is not a bad thing at all.  It’s just is what it is.

The album is tolerable to listen to, no doubt.  I found that the instruments, mainly the guitar riffs, were over powering in general.  I believe there was something interesting in the lyrics of track 3 that I could hardly make out because the instrumentation overpowered the vocals quite a bit.  I have to say, the main item that stuck out for me was the lyrics.  I found quite a few lines that were interesting.  At minimal, thought provoking.  Lines like, “I’m not a schizophrenic, I just haven’t taken my medication today”, or you have, “I might be Jesus.” on another track which seemed controversial enough to make people listen.  If I’m not mistaken, having people listen to your music is the point.  By the way, "World Without End" has to be the longest song ever at 33 minutes and 39 seconds.  I'm just saying.
If you are into the Rock genre, you will have no problems with this mix of instruments and aggressive vocals.


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