>> Pro Pain: Straight to the Dome (2012)

Artist: Pro Pain

Album: Straight to the Dome

Members: Gary Meskil, Adam Phillips, Marshall Stephens, Jonas Sanders

Genre: Metal, Other

Label: Goomba Music

Tracks: 11

Release Date: September 25, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.88 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

If you ever had one of those days where everything is going wrong where by the end of it all you want to do is scream having a good song that shares your feelings is always good. Well, I didn’t quite have one of those days, in actuality my weekend was ok, even with the huge, huge mess up that happened during work, I didn’t have the need to scream. Though when I listened to the new album Straight to the Dome by the group Pro-Pain I had the urge to scream out in some needed release. This New York City deathcore metal band has their thumb on what makes for a good screaming song.
Listening to Gary Meskil is like listening to someone that’s fed up and his way to get that across is to sing it, in very loud tones. His voice is strong, one of the more solid vocals I’ve heard with this style of music where it is nothing but screaming. Yet, Gary Meskil does more than scream, he actually screams where there’s a rhythm and a groove to the songs. These songs are done where if the lyrics where sung at a normal level it would have a good tempo, rhyme, and lyrics that have meaning and emotion. Only, the lyrics are not at a normal level, they are done in a loud scream but they keep the good tempo, the rhyme, and lyrics that now seem to have more meaning and so much emotion that they make you want to scream.
Straight to the Dome is an album of pure emotion. Angry, fed up, I’m going to let you know how it is emotion and I love it. The intensity of the vocals, the weight of the instruments, and the agreement I have with the lyrics, they all build a set of songs that had me screaming right at the get go. When I was listening to this album for the first time I figured that the next song would end up being the same as the one I just heard. I was kept waiting and by the end I realized that I had just sat through 11 songs waiting for them to sound the same but the never did. The only thing remaining the same in these songs are the good vocals, the grit of the instruments, and the high level energy of the overall song. I don’t know where this band has been or why I haven’t heard about them until now but I can say after hearing this album I want to have some more fun listening to their loud, in your face songs. 


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