>> Reform The Resistance: The Truth Is Dangerous (2012)

Artist: Reform The Resistance

Album: The Truth Is Dangerous

Members: Jason Moncivaiz, Sambo Moncivaiz, Ryan Dugger

Genre: Metal, Other, Pop, Rap/Hip Hop, Religious, Rock

Label: Wuli

Tracks: 11

Type: LP

Release Date: June 21, 2012

Discs: 1

Rating: 4.35 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

Did You Know?

Before becoming RTR founding members Jason and Sambo Moncivaiz played under the moniker Justifide.

I’m completely new to Reform The Resistance, therefore when I threw on the album it was exactly the opposite of what I had been expecting. As you can see, the cover art is of an angry looking guy with his eyes barred out and what looks like glass breaking from the strength of his protests (okay that last part was a guess on my part) and the album title tattooed on his neck. In any case with a name like Reform The Resistance and the album artwork I expected to have my eardrums bled. Far from it. RTR seems to have the ability to do anything with their music, and with great skill, but decide to go with a potpourri of styles to fill their first album. Industrial musings, Nu-Metal flavor, something I can only compare to a band like Incubus, and a flare for instrumentals. Despite being thrown off by judging this book, um, CD by it’s cover I was pleasantly surprised.

The album runs a hefty 11 tracks, and despite the usual animosity filled style coming from bands that find something, anything, to rage against, RTR manages to deliver their protests (or truth’s, however you look at it) with a variety of styles. You take a track like This Present Darkness, which combines some hard hitting double bass and warbling guitar towards the back end, surprisingly begins with a very smooth and tranquil opening that includes a harmonious chorus. If anything your never bored with the lyrical content as the band finds so many ways to deliver it, be it sort of rapping, singing in unison over an acoustic guitar with an electronic humming beat, to even a sort of background noise. It’s actually quite incredible how easily the words get into your head compared to other bands whose vocals might be even clearer, but who fail to utilize an enveloping sound to their music. Not to flog the horse but the band manages to capture a variety of sound that should appease any music fan. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.





Great Review, Great Album!

You hit the nail on this one!

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