>> Run For Cover Records: Mixed Signals Compilation (2011)

Artist: Various

Album: Mixed Signals

Genre: Punk, Rock

Label: Run For Cover Records

Tracks: 12

Type: Digital

Release Date: September 6, 2011

Rating: 3.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site

Mission Statement:

The compilation marks a special occasion and milestone for the label. After seven years of working with so many incredible people and bands, watching them grow and doing some growing ourselves, we wanted to take this opportunity to show that the independent music community is stronger than ever. Mixed Signals offers a snapshot of the diverse and immense talent in our scene. It brings together new, unreleased and exclusive songs from a list of bands who collectively have released some of the most worthwhile records of the past few years, toured the world, and left an indelible impact on the many they’ve performed in front of. Run For Cover and these 12 artists have come together to prove that the independent music scene is thriving – and it’s as important as ever.

I’ve covered a few compilations in my time and, to be honest, a few of them were a bit repetitive. Sometimes a label makes its bones by signing bands all of the same ilk, and in compilation form, well, you get my point. I didn’t know what to expect when I first listened to Run For Covers 50th release compilation. Fortunately after going a few rounds with the compilation its safe to say these are waters, in the whole compilation racket, that are relatively safe to dive into.

The opening band for the comp is Polar Bear Club. I know I’d heard the name before but I was positive I’d never given them a listen. In my opinion this probably wasn’t the strongest opening track RFCR could have opened up with. Polar Bear Club sounded, to me, like any other band that you might hear on your local rock station. Needless to say I felt a bit deflated, already having come into this compilation with a knee jerk reaction to compilations in general.

The next band, Balance and Composure was a bit better. In all honesty they reminded me a bit too much of Junior Varsity. I felt like I’d heard it before but it was still a decent enough track to listen to all the way through every time. Next was Tiger Jaw. Not the strongest lead singer I’ve heard but I understand where he’s coming from. As Hostage Calm popped on with The “M” Word I began to grow a bit fond of RFCR. This compilation has a very weak string of sameness running through a few of the songs on the album, but overall each band has a unique voice that makes it so easy to enjoy this compilation, and after all offering up a sample of what each band on your label is all about is the goal. I felt like I got a great dose of diversity from RFCR and a few of their bands made a fan out of me. Hostage Calm was fantastic as was The Mezingers, The Tower and the Fool, and The World Is A Beautiful Place.

Like I said, the compilation is everything that a compilation should be. Its diverse, the label obviously has a knack for looking for talent in all various forms of the rock genre, and its got some great tunes on it. I have my favorite and I think that the same can be said for anyone else who gives this a shot. Maybe the tracks I thought were just okay will be your treasures or maybe we’ll enjoy the same selections. In any case it’s a comp that has a lot to offer anyone looking to find some new bands to listen to. Enjoy.


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