>> St. Andrew: No Man’s Land (2011)

Artist: St. Andrew

Album: No Man’s Land

Genre: DJ/Dance, Pop

Label: St. Andrew

Tracks: 5

Type: Digital

Release Date: September 27, 2011

Rating: 0.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Blurrrrrgggghhh…No thank you. 

Ok, here’s the deal: this EP from pop artist St. Andrew is highly polished, super slick and very accessible. If you like your pop catchy and sugary to the point of being saccharine, then this might be for you. If you like your music to be dance-y in the extreme, with high male tenor vocals, then you need to check this out. In other words, if Justin Bieber and your old Backstreet Boys CDs just aren’t cutting it, St. Andrew might be what the doctor ordered.

I must confess that all of this is exactly what I don’t like in pop music. So from that biased position, I couldn’t stand this. The best part about it for me is that it was only a 5-track EP, so I only had to listen to it for about 17 minutes. I’m thankful for small favors.

That said, it’s obvious from the monstrous success of the Biebers and the boy bands that I’m probably in the minority on this, so you might absolutely love this. Give it a shot and see…



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