>> Stieg Larsson's Millennium Trilogy (2010)

Artist: Jacob Groth

Album: Millennium Trilogy

Members: Slovak national Orchestra

Genre: Classical, Other, Soundtrack/Theater

Label: Silva America

Tracks: 11

Release Date: September 14, 2010

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.96 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

On my first time listening to Music from Stieg Larsson’s Millennium Trilogy I was at work. It was actually a great CD to listen to while I sat at my computer because it has this epic sound to it but it’s not so intense that it drew my attention away from what I was doing. On the second time I listened to it I was just sitting around doing absolutely nothing at, which is why I listened to it at that particular moment. Again, I found that the songs on this CD were this epic like style but they are calming.With not much vocals included on the songs, nearly so little that it’s like it’s never there in the first place. Still, the vocals are good with this smooth almost hypnotizing quality to them. This same quality is played throughout every song on this CD. These songs drew me into this trance like state while I was both working and especially when I was just sitting down in a relaxing atmosphere. All the songs have this grand instrumental sound to them with a slow and quick rhythm. I was really enjoying listening to Music from Stieg Larssson’s Millennium Trilogy but I think as tranquil and hypnotizing as the songs are there are only certain times it can be played. I certainly would not be listening to these songs if I were trying to get amped up for some high energy event or if I was trying to set a romantic atmosphere. As good as the songs are performed they have their moment that needs to be picked at the right time. Play this when trying to relax or when in need of a decent background song that won’t interfere with what you are doing or people around you, but if looking to get the heart racing and the body ready for some high energy, this might not be the best choice.



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