>> The Atom Age: The Hottest Thing That's Cool (2012)

Artist: The Atom Age

Album: The Hottest Thing That's Cool

Genre: Rock

Label: Asian Man Records

Tracks: 11

Release Date: September 4, 2012

Rating: 1.35 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D

Official Site

 Oooowww Kaaayyy!  I did not like The Atom Age’s contribution to music this time around.  The album is titled “The Hottest Thing That’s Cool”.  This album is Rock ‘N Roll without any question.  There is no gray area where you can say that a few songs are Pop crossovers or there is no delving into mixing genres.  The beats are hard; extremely hard.  The subject matter, I can only piece meal together with the combination of the track titles and the mood of the music.  For instance, you have “Cut, Paste, Kill”, which I’m making the assumption, there’s a negative undertone.  What do you think?  I can hardly make out any of the lyrics to any of the songs!  I can hear the chorus though on most tracks which is distinguishable because the chorus usually mentions the name of the song.  What the Hell!!!

So, apparently, this is not the group’s first swing at this thing we call music.  This is their second EP.  Maybe someone who listens to this musical genre on a daily basis can provide a different spin and/or perspective.  But I just have this feeling that good music is good music; that it could cross all leaps and bounds if it’s great.  Now, read directly from The Atom Age’s Facebook page: “Horn tinged 21st Century Rock 'N' Roll band from East Bay, CA beating Rock 'N' Roll dead just one more time”.  I concur.


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