>> The Bolts: Fall (2012)

Artist: The Bolts

Album: Fall

Members: Addam Farmer, Heath Farmer, Austin Farmer, Matt Champagne, Ryan Kilpatrick

Genre: Rock

Tracks: 5

Type: EP

Release Date: September 21, 2012

Rating: 4.20 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Official Site

The Bolts are compromised of 5 guys from Orange County, California. With three brother and two best friends in one band where any band member can be the lead vocalist, this is a sure fire recipe for success. They are a talented group that is waiting for their perfect moment to explode into the mainstream music scene. The band formed in 2007 and they have been rocking ever since. Their songs have been featured on numerous media outlets such as commercials for Sobe, the MLB All-star game, NASCAR, Delta Airlines, and on some scenes of the TV show Degrassi . They Bolts also had the opportunity to have a temporary residence performing in Tomorrowland, which is in Disneyland. They already have a big group of devoted fans, but their fan base will continue to grow with each show they perform.

“Fall” is their EP that is set to be released on September 21st. It is a teaser to their next EP and eventual official full-length album release later this year. I loved all of the songs on this EP and they have made a new fan out of me. "Walk Away" was a catchy song that stood out and stayed in my head the whole day. The instrumentals were very impressive and all the songs were perfectly executed. As for the vocals, I was impressed with the harmonies, lyrics, and how each person was given a chance to shine. However, 5 songs were not enough and I am yearning to hear more from The Bolts. I can honestly say they are the next big thing in music and I highly recommend listening to anything they make. For those reasons, I am giving this EP an “A.”  

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