>> The Tillman Story (Soundtrack) (2010)

Artist: Philip Sheppard

Album: The Tillman Story

Members: Philip Sheppard

Genre: Soundtrack/Theater

Label: Lakeshore Records

Tracks: 32

Release Date: November 22, 2010

Discs: 1

Rating: 1.37 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

The Tillman Story soundtrack is 32 tracks of instrumental songs. I listened to it, read the story that wrote on the inside cover of the CD case, but really have no idea what the CD is based off of. I got the idea that it’s about a man named Pat Tillman who was a football player and soldier. Other than that little bit of information that’s all I know about Pat Tillman and the Tillman Story. Now the reason I bring all this up at the beginning is because if you don’t know anything about Pat Tillman or The Tillman Story than the songs heard on this CD might not have the same effect on you when listening to it.

First thing I noticed about the songs on this CD was that they were really short. While listening to the music I thought it was still on track 1 or possibly track 2, but when looking down I saw I was actually on track 13. The tracks went by so quickly that I didn’t even notice that so many had played.

Maybe if the tempo of the songs had picked up or even changed the beat some I would have noticed when the tracks changed. Thing is though the songs were all mellow, slow, and with a tempo that was not that much fun to listen to at all. It’s possible if I had watched the movie that this CD is based off of I would have enjoyed it more or maybe if there had been some lines used from the movie itself added to the CD I would have liked it. However since there was no change in the tempo of the songs, all of them are so mellow, slow, and short, I just couldn’t enjoy this CD at all. I got bored with it before it was half way through the tracks.


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