>> Troubled Coast: I've Been Thinking About Leaving You (2012)

Artist: Troubled Coast

Album: I've Been Thinking About Leaving You

Members: Mike “Mile” Scornaienchi, Cory Bardwell, Brandon “Dragon” Wark, Tahm Altemus, Randy “Caveman” Staat

Genre: Other, Rock

Label: Pure Noise Ent.

Tracks: 4

Type: Digital

Release Date: January 17, 2012

Rating: 4.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Who would have thought that with just over 18 minutes of music Troubled Coast would wow me. Their latest release, I’ve Been Thinking About Leaving You, continues their Post-Hardcore advance filling those 18 plus minutes of run time with some lyrical food for thought as well as some very hard hitting beats that sound of nostalgia but also fresh.

The E.P. consists of only four tracks but none of them disappoint. Patient Hands kicks off the album with a heavy drum intro and guitar before launching into Mike Scornaienchi’s screaming vocals which level out and eventually blend into a harmonious chorus. Vocal-wise we’ve been here before but the band as a whole deliver their music with both passion and a sense of desperation that manifests itself throughout the album.

I was a bit concerned about what I was about to hear. A review for the album over at Mindequalsblown states, “If you are a fan of the early days of post-hardcore, before kids decided dubstep and electronics were a good idea to incorporate into the genre, you will love this band.” What can I say, I liked No Hollywood Ending and their weird spazz-core synth warbling intertwined into their hardcore/post-hardcore style. Still, MEB isn’t wrong. If you can recall those old days before this particular genre of music got slammed by scene kids then your going to find yourself in your own nostalgic little slice of heaven.

I’m Still A Loner, Dottie (kudos to you if you get the reference) is the second track off the album and is my favorite. The vocal delivery is poetry, the instrumental accompaniment holds that desperation that suit’s the lyrical. There are few songs in life that one can truly say define them, but Loner can easily be considered one of those tracks that seem to have a universal connection.

It’s easy to get lost in the massive amounts of bands out there, especially these days when social networking has opened up the world to everyone on all things such as films, books, and music. It’s pretty hard to find yourself a band, and not just a band, but one that you can call your own, one that you dedicate your time to following through their rise. There are literally millions at your fingertips. My advice, you probably can’t go wrong with Troubled Coast. Head over to their Bandcamp page and give their work a listen. As always final judgment is yours. Enjoy.



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