>> Ways To Live Forever (Soundtrack) (2011)

Artist: Cesar Benito

Album: Ways To Live Forever

Members: Cesar Benito

Genre: Soundtrack/Theater

Label: Moviescore Media

Tracks: 20

Release Date: August 9, 2011

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.02 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

It’s said not to judge something by the cover but when looking at the cover to the original soundtrack to the movie “Ways To Live Forever” it’s easy to figure out what style of music is going to be played in the tracks. The title is also a pretty big hint as to what to expect from this soundtrack that’s been composed by Cesar Benito. There are a total of 20 tracks on the CD with the majority of them being just over 2 minutes long and only 4 songs lasting longer than 3 minutes.

Listening this soundtrack was pretty depressing. From what I read on the inside cover about the movie, this soundtrack is supposed to be depressing, or probably more accurate description might be emotional, but knowing this don’t make listening to it any more enjoyable. The songs are played really as far as the skill level of the musicians and how well Cesar Benito can compose and conduct the songs, it’s because of them being so depressing that I couldn’t enjoy them. Before the CD was on track 10 I was ready to turn it off because it was make me feel sad.

Though the songs do have a depressing sound to them, the can and did make me feel a bit sad by listening to them, this just proves how well the songs are put together and played. This was no mistake, at least I don’t think it is, that the songs are meant to make me the listener feel this way. I’m not too thrilled with the songs and the emotions that they are trying to inflict on the listener but with this being a soundtrack to a movie that’s supposed to be emotional the songs will have to be as well. Which is why though I got to say the songs are played well and with skill, I just don’t like the sound of them and won’t be listening to this CD again, at least unless I really feel like I need something sad and depressing to listen to.


This review is really wrong!

I don't think Mrs. Lee Roberts has even listened to a single track on this Soundtrack CD, because the music is anything but depressing which was the intention of the composer according to an interview he did with Moviescore Media.

If you read any other serious reviews about this soundtrack CD, you will only read how cheerful and uplifting the music is, in contrast to the subject matter of the film.

Roberts hasn't listened to this CD!. He just wrote his review from knowing about the plot line of the film, which is depressing (a child that has leukemia). But precisely because of that the music is really uplifting, so the listener (and viewer of the film) feels optimistic and learns that even a child has a deadly illness, he can still enjoy life on a daily basis until his hour comes. The film is in its first two acts very uplifting as it is the score.

Wrong review, unprofessional critic!

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