>> We Are The In Crowd: Guaranteed To Disagree (2010)

Artist: We Are The In Crowd

Album: Guaranteed To Disagree

Genre: Pop, Punk, Rock

Label: Hopeless Records

Tracks: 7

Release Date: June 8, 2010

Discs: 1

Rating: 1.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C

Official Site

Well, WATIC had me from the get-go, but unfortunately they weren’t able to keep me. It’s even sadder given that this is an EP. When they kick things off, it’s with an extremely catchy pop-punk sound. Given that they have a female lead singer (and play music like this), it’s probably inevitable that they’ll be compared to Paramore. But lead singer Tay Jardine’s vocals stand strong on their own.

The music also stands up, even if it’s a little too reminiscent in certain parts of groups like Anberlin and other upbeat punk/pop/rock bands. It might be a tad derivative, but dang it’s really catchy. Unfortunately, the band’s lyrics end up ruining a number of songs. Strangely, it’s not even the lyrically content, but more individual words. Curse words in music (or film, or regular life) don’t usually phase me. But in this case, the youthiness (to paraphrase Stephen Colbert) of the band seems to make all the swears that they toss in sound incredibly immature and almost whiny.

So while they had me for a couple of songs, they ultimately lost me after that. I’d skip this and opt for something from Stephen Christian and co.


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