>> $5 A Day (Blu-Ray) (2010)

Title: $5 A Day

Edition: Blu-Ray

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Starring: Christopher Walken, Alessandro Nivola, Dean Cain, Peter Coyote, Amanda Peet

Director: Nigel Cole

Studio: Image Entertainment

Runtime: 98 minutes

Release Date: August 24, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 3.49 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Special Features

Director and Cast Interviews, Still Galleries, and trailer

Getting caught in a lie has sent Ritchie Flynn (played by Alessandro Nivola) on a journey that he had never expected to be going on. When Flynn finds out from his ex-girlfriend Maggie (played by Amanda Peet) that his father Nat (played by Christopher Walken) is dying, Flynn just chalks it up as another of his fathers many lies. Not to let what he believes to be a lie stop him, Flynn still goes to see Nat and from the moment the two see each other Flynn finds himself in situations that tax his feelings on his father but puts him ever closer to the man he thought he couldn’t trust.
A pink car, lots of free coffee, a old babysitter that reveals a secret, and the most freeloading that I’ve seen in awhile all happen in $5 A Day. It’s with the performances given by Christopher Walken and Alessandro Nivola that make this movie good. At the beginning of the movie I was already wanting to know what was going on in the life of this character Flynn. His character seems to be an introvert who is walking around trying to do his job when his world starts to fall apart. Come to find out this guy is not such a quiet guy after all. He’s just like his father, a liar. Though his fathers character is so much better at the lying than Flynn is that he lives his life from it.
Nothing real surprising happens in the $5 A Day but regardless of this the movie is entertaining. It’s easy to see where the movie is headed from the beginning. This don’t hurt it any because though I know what’s going to happen in the main plot points I don’t know what’s going to happen along the way with the smaller parts. Throughout I was intrigued with finding out how Nat was going to get the next meal for free and how Flynn was going to react to his father.
$5 A Day is full of unique characters that are all fun to watch, they fit so well in the movie, and all the actors playing them do an astounding job. Dean Cain plays his short amount of screen time as a character that is so believable it’s like I’ve met that guy before. Not to forget, Sharon Stone plays the character of the old babysitter with the secret that makes the two main characters change their role dynamics completely. Aside from the good acting, the good story, and a nice plot twist, I was able to watch this on the Blu-Ray. The entire movie is clear and crisp making it look really good when watching. I would say it’s like real life, just without the color correction and filters to make the views more vibrant.  And last but not least in my eyes was the special features. The one that I liked the most and would love to see on every movie that’s put out, the still photo gallery. In this feature there’s a few, just a few, production stills and behind the scene photos from the movie that are really cool to look at.




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