>> All About Steve (2009)

Title: All About Steve

Genre: Comedy, Romantic

Starring: Sandra Bullock, Bradley Cooper

Studio: 20th Century Fox

Runtime: 99 minutes

Release Date: December 22, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 1.02 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D

Bonus Features

Commentary, Deleted/Alternate Scenes, Gag Reel, Hollywood Dish With Mena Micheletti, All About All About Steve, Crew Snapshots To Mary’s Rap, Fox Movie Channel Presents Life After Film School With Phil Traill, Trailers

Mary is smart and career driven putting all her focus on creating crossword puzzles for the paper she works for. But when she is encourage to go out and experience life, friends, and dating, Mary takes up her parents on a blind date. Feeling a connection instantly to her date Steve, Mary rushes things too fast and has Steve fleeing. Unable to see past her obsession Mary proceeds to follow Steve to every location he travels to for work. In the end it gets her in a predicament where she needs to be rescued and that gives her and Steve time to reflect on what has been happening.

“All About Steve” isn’t terrible; but it does have a lot of things wrong with it. First of all is the character Mary. I can get behind a character that is different; but Mary is just flat out crazy. Why no one has committed her by this point is beyond me. Sure she is book smart but she possesses no common sense, no real logic, and no people skills. Team this up with way too much talking and constantly correcting people with grammar and spelling and you are given one very annoying, one dimensional leading lady.

Next comes Steve. There is very little in way of character development. Pretty much just him and the guys he works with messing with each other. He makes some weak attempts at showing he wants Mary gone and that he finds her crazy; but whereas Mary is over the top Steve is lifeless. So you also get a one dimensional leading man.

The comedy is supposed to come through with the kooky nature of Mary and the mishaps with Steve when she is stalking him; but it is forced and obvious comedy. The chemistry is lacking, the story can be tedious and is scattered, and everything drags along. For a romantic comedy it is lacking greatly in both fields leaving me and I’m sure others bored.


not impressed

Love movies with Sandra Bullock in them except this one. Her character was literally driving me nuts. I think she could have been good in promoting anger management classes!

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