>> Carnies (2010)

Title: Carnies

Genre: Horror

Starring: Doug Jones, Reggie Bannister, Chris Staviski, David Markham, Lynn Ayala

Director: Brian Corder

Studio: R2 Films LLC

Runtime: 83 minutes

Release Date: October 12, 2010

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 0.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Official Site

How is "Carnies?" How should I put this?

Let's see, there's:

    * clunky dialogue ("Hey, there's blood" (@53:25) was delivered with all the finesse of "Look sir, droids.")
    * crappy accents and worse acting
    * scenes fade in/out and look like "Tales from the Crypt"
    * modern haircuts for a movie set in 1936
    * cellophane tape on boxes
    * thrift store tags still left on props
    * fight choreography that makes "The A-Team" look believeable

It is 1936, Bakersfield, CA, and smack in the middle of The Depression. The traveling sideshow is full of the usual suspects (dwarf fire eater, bearded lady, fortune teller), and they are just trying to survive these terrible times. I just tried surviving the movie, but I digress. Someone is killing them off one by one! (Gasp!), but it's not so scary when you see who's doing the killing and then eating body parts. Yes, there's more backstory for the killings, but if I tell you anything else, this movie will lose what little mystery it has.

It's amazing how almost all of the actors lose their "accents" about 45 minutes in. The attempt at trying to make the audience think they're watching old scratchy filmstock in some section is pathetic as is most of the set dressing. I think this was filmed in a high school and by highschoolers.

Poor Doug Jones, life must be tough after "Hellboy 2" to have to take this job. I think he and Steve Guttenberg ("Cornered") must have the same agent. It's painfully clear that Doug's a physical actor badly in need of a stronger presence to carry a movie.

Take my advice and don't waste $15 for this movie. I just hope the director didn't quit his day job.


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