>> Control Alt Delete (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Control Alt Delete

Edition: Blu-Ray

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Tyler Labine, Sonja Bennett, Geoff Gustafson, Keith Dallas, Alisen Down

Director: Cameron Labine

Studio: E1 Entertainment

Runtime: 193 minutes

Release Date: June 15, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 0.83 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Special Features

Only features this has is some interviews with cast and crew.

Control Alt Delete is a movie that stars Tyler Labine as the character Lewis Henderson who has become troubled with an obsession. In the year of 1999 the fear of Y2K is threatening the world. Programmer Lewis Henderson is one of the people that is trying to get the codes fixed so that when the year changes over the world won’t come to an end. While Lewis is trying to find a way to stop this from happening he has run into a few troubles at home. One being a break up with his girlfriend and becoming obsessed with have sex with his home computer.

When I first read the description for Control Alt Delete I was a little apprehensive about the movie. By the time I finished the movie my thoughts on it were right. During the hour and half of this movie there was not one time that I laughed, I don’t even think I smiled or smirked any. I know it’s supposed to be a comedy and that it’s supposed to be funny and walking on the edge of content but it don’t.
All that Control Alt Delete did to me was bore me. I was bored with the acting, the plot, the way the movie flowed, and with the music of it. I’ve seen some of the shows that Tyler Labine has been in and I know he’s a decent enough actor but in Control Alt Delete he didn’t bring his humorous game. Maybe it was because the character he plays is supposed to be going around nervous and having emotional troubles because he has a lot on his mind, all with having his girl friend leave him, having to deal with the Y2K problem, and can’t forget the whole intercourse with the computers.

Worse yet was the supporting cast. Not that they were bad in acting, so they were somewhat bad, but they were underplayed. There has to be the buddy, the new girl that’s a love interest that takes the place of the old flame, and the guy that no one likes but they actually have to have enough screen time to make an impact on the watcher. This is not happing with Control Alt Delete, at least not enough time for me to get to like the supporting cast. The bad guy and buddy are given just minutes worth of screen time to allow them to be interesting. As for the new love interest, she was the most interesting character in the movie only because of her odd behavior. I kept wondering why she was acting that way.

Overall though, by time I finished watching Control Alt Delete I was bored with the movie. In hopes that the film could redeem itself with some great bloopers that might appear in the special features, I was let down. The only special features that this has is interviews from the cast and crew of the film. How this film that’s got a guy having sex with computers and some of the material that is in it, I was expecting a lot of funny outtakes so having none just made me not like the movie even more. The only good thing about this movie was the quality of the picture because it’s a Blu Ray. Though, this is still not enough to make it worth watching.



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