>> Deadland (2010)

Title: Deadland

Genre: Drama

Starring: Brian Tee, William Katt, Gary Weeks

Director: Damon O'Steen

Studio: Phase 4 Films

Runtime: 107 minutes

Release Date: November 23, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 1.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Official Site

Enter the post-apocalyptic world of Sean Kalos. After the United States began World War III by sending nuclear missles to North Korea, the world has become a nuclear wasteland. Everything and everyone has reverted to its basest nature. The only thing people want are food, shelter, safety, and to find their loved ones. Material objects and money no longer have any meaning and everyone is out for themselves.

Oh, and anyone who survived the nuclear blasts is infected with some kind of plague. I think the real plague here is that the world seems to have been survived by rednecks. Why is it always the rednecks that survive in post-apocalyptic movies?

Sean is looking for his wife, Kate, who may or may not be alive and who may or may not be kept in one of the many prostitution camps run by the officers of the newly United Provinces. Along the way he meets Jackson (Brian Tee), a near-sided and less-than-the sharpest-knife-in-the-drawer survivor and Shiv

The story is told in a quasi-non-linear fashion with enough flashbacks of Sean and Kate's life together leading up to the war to fill in the gaps, but it doesn't make the movie any better. Most of the acting is either completely wooden or over the top and while the overall message is a good one, it doesn't make me want to run out and build an underground bunker just in case somebody gets a little nuke happy. Damon O'Steen (director) did the best with the resources he had, but I don't think we'll be campaigning for any Oscars anytime soon.



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