>> Elvis: 75th Birthday Collection (2010)

Title: Elvis: 75th Birthday Collection

Genre: Classics, Comedy, Drama, Musical

Starring: Elvis Presley, Richard Egan, Robert Middleton, William Campbell

Director: Multiple Directors

Studio: 20th Century Fox

Runtime: 691 minutes

Release Date: June 1, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 7

Rating: 1.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Special Features

There are no special features but considering these movies came out long before that was ever thought of it's ok that there's none.

Celebrating the 75th birthday of Elvis Presley, 20th Century Fox has released a DVD collection featuring 7 movies starring Elvis. The 7 movies put in this collection are Love Me Tender, Flaming Star, Follow That Dream, Wild in the Country, Kid Galahad, Frankie and Johnny, and Clambake. Though Elvis appeared in a lot more movies these are supposedly the better of the ones he acted in.

Love Me Tender is set during the Civil War about three brothers that steal some money from the Union. When finding out that the war is over they go back home and when getting home the older brother (Richard Egan) finds out that his love has married Elvis, his younger brother. Of course Elvis has his signing in it and there is also the fact that he’s really not the main character. Richard Egan would be the actor that seems to be the main character even though it stars Elvis. The ending was also something of a shocker for me since I had yet to see this movie before now.

Flaming Star has Elvis torn between helping out Indians or his loyalty to his father and his beliefs. This was a rough movie for Elvis and he shows that he can play the role that’s not the happy going singer. Though he also sings in this as well but that happens in them all. In this Elvis has to worry about the battles between the two sides shown here as well as having his own personal demons to battle. Not often that Elvis was shown in a movie like this and it was a little refreshing and different.

Follow That Dream is about a man who just wants to do right by his family and take care of them. Of course this don’t happen and now Elvis, as the father, has to deal with all sorts of problems. One   being the social workers trying to take what Elvis wants to keep together, his family.

Wild in the Country is about Elvis being a wild one that has a few problems in life. When he goes to get therapy he meets a very lovely therapist and the next thing they know the town is talking about them. Even though nothing has happened and nothing happens when they spend the night together, the town still talks about them.

Kid Galahad has Elvis playing a boxer who has found out that there are fights that are fixed. This however don’t stop him from going all out to fight his way to victory. There’s gamblers that break the hands of his trainer but this will not stop him from fighting, or singing.

These movies that Elvis did were quite boring for me. I didn’t find them at all entertaining, though I do like the songs that Elvis does in them I just don’t like the movies themselves. Elvis is not known as the king of film and that comes across very well in these movies. These are old movies and it can be seen from the quality of the films. If it was not for Elvis singing in these movies they would be unwatchable.

With the first movie I found it a little interesting, mainly the way it ended, but overall, these 7 movies are just a pain to watch. The colors are dull, the sets are dull, the action is dull, and the acting is horrible. Elvis was not a good actor and it’s easily seen in these movies. After the long hours of watching these movies I was kind of turned off by anything Elvis related. I know he is the king of rock but he was not an actor and after 7 movies that are boring, not funny, and just plain talentless, I was ready to forget that they even starred Elvis.



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