>> Enemies of the People (2010)

Title: Enemies of the People

Genre: Documentary

Starring: Thet Sambath

Director: Thet Sambath, Rob Lemkin

Studio: Old Street Films

Runtime: 93 Minutes

Release Date: July 30, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 2.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Official Site

 Enemies of the People is a documentary chronicling the interviews of Thet Sambath and Nuon Chea as well as other individuals for killing millions of Cambodians during the years 1975-1979.  The documentary spans about 10 years of Sambath going back and forth to meet with Chea and other Khmer Rouge regime killers during the times of the killings.  It took years for Chea to tell Sambath that he indeed killed so many people.  He even eventually tells Sambath he is sorry regarding the death of Sambath’s family members by the hands of the Communist group that he along with his brother commanded.

This story is about finding the truth.  Sambath has sacrificed precious time with his wife and kids to research the past.  When Chea is finally arrested for crimes against humanity, Sambath can now rest, spend time with his family and enjoy the present.  This documentary is an example of an up close and personal look into the lives of individuals who have killed others.  The regret that is expressed and a look at the thought process during the time the killings occurred.  Sambath started out to find the story of what is called the Killing Fields to let everyone he can know what really happened and be able to “pencil into” the history books the story.  Overall, the documentary is worth watching for informational purposes alone.  But others must have thought it was a great piece of filmmaking because it did win an award at the Sundance Film Festival in 2010 along with a few others that same year.


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