>> Entre Nos (2010)

Title: Entre Nos

Genre: Drama

Starring: Paola Mendoza, Sebastian Villada, Laura Montana, Anthony Chisholm, Andres Munar

Director: Paola Mendoza

Studio: Indiepix Films

Runtime: 81 minutes

Release Date: July 20, 2010

Format: DVD

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 3.96 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Entre Nos is the inspiring true story about a woman and her two children as they try and get by in New York after moving to the US from Columbia. When her husband leaves them to go and work down in Miami, the family is left to fend for themselves on next to nothing.

Gabriel and Andrea are 10 and 6 and they are the two who drive the film forward. Sure, watching someone fall into homelessness is rather sad and depressing but seeing two kids get taken down the same path puts things in a whole new perspective. They'll dig through garbage for cans, eat whatever food scraps they can find, and sleep on cardboard boxes or on park benches. Entre Nos goes for the heart and doesn't let go.

You can't help but feel moved by this film. It may very well make you think differently the next time some random person on the street asks you for change. It could have been done with any actor of any race but by using a hispanic person, intensifies how lost and hopeless the situation appeared. Imagine not being able to communicate with people. Imagine struggling every day just to survive. Imagine trying to raise your kids in that environment. Not a pretty image, right?

Entre Nos can almost be viewed as a documentary in some aspects. Sure, it might not be a "day in the life of the homeless" type thing but it paints a realistic picture of what it can be like at least. Thankfully, things turn out alright in the end and we are given an update with the real life people on who this pictures was based on. It just makes the film that much more real. If you have the opportunity to watch the film, do so. It might just change the way you look at the world around you.

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