>> ExTerminators (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: ExTerminators

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Heather Graham, Jennifer Coolidge, Amber Heard

Director: John Inwood

Studio: Image Entertainment

Runtime: 92 minutes

Release Date: November 2, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 0.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

How desperate are these actors?

ExTerminators is a straight-to-dvd affair starring some higher caliber actors than these type of films usually have. Amongst them is Jennifer Coolidge from Best in Show, Heather Graham from The Hangover, and the up and coming Amber Heard. Along with a slew of other familiar faces thrown in.

Now you would expect with comical talents such as these, that this film would have some funny moments. Nope, not at all here, I'm seriously wondering what drew these stars to such a contrived film such as this. 

ExTerminators is about a group of girls who have to attend anger therapy for lashing out against their abusive and or terrible boyfriends. One night after their therapy session they decide to chase down one of the abusive boyfriends and accidently kill him. From then on Coolidge and Heard create a business out of it while Graham is discovering new love in the detective investigating the murders from her two friends. And from there insanity ensues! 

Now while some people might find a plot like this ripe for dark humor, sadly every attempt this film makes at humor falls flat. The acting is bland, even from the main cast members, and the whole film feels unimaginative and lazy. This film has the same problem that the last film I reviewed, Damned By Dawn, had and that you get a sense that everybody involved didn't care about this film. 

While the movie shamelessly takes tropes, plot points, and conventions from other films, it is an easily forgettable film, making not nearly as annoying as it could have been. 

I have nobody to suggest this film to, simply because there are a million and one similar films that are so much better than this. So There really isn't any reason to watch this movie.


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