>> Forced to Fight (BLU-RAY) (2012)

Title: Forced to Fight

Genre: Action/Adventure

Starring: Gary Daniels, Peter Weller

Director: Jonas Quastel

Studio: Image Entertainment

Runtime: 100 minutes

Release Date: December 18, 2012

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

Rating: 1.70 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D+

Bonus Features

Behind the Scenes with Peter Weller, Filming the Fights

When Scotty (played by Arkie Reece) was supposed to loose a fight being run by Danny G. (played Peter Weller) but instead wins it, he plans on getting out of town. Before he can even get out of the parking lot of his brothers home, Danny G. and his henchmen catch up to him and beat him nearly to death. Now Scotty’s brother Shane (played by Gary Daniels) finds out that his brother has been involved in underground fighting that’s run by Danny G., a greedy, ruthless, and evil crime boss who gets what he wants by very unpleasant means. Wanting the money he lost on Scotty’s fight, Danny G. makes an offer to Shane, come fight again in his no rules underground fights or loose his family. Choosing to protect his family by once again fighting might end up killing Shane who has to now fight younger and stronger men who use every fighting style they can to win.

Forced to Fight has such a simple plot, have one minor character who is in a underground fighting ring go against the villain of the story by not tanking a fight. Then have the brother, who was once the best fighter in old style underground fighting when it was just punching, given the choice of fighting or have his wife, son, and brother killed to pay off the debt his brother has. Thing is, now the fights are tougher with the fighters using kickboxing, wrestling, martial arts, boxing, and pretty much every style of fighting there is and they are young. Which means the hero of the story must train to become the best, work his way back to being the best, before getting his final shot at fighting the unbeaten fighter.

Typically I enjoy watching these kinds of movies because they are simple with not real plot other than fighting. Forced to Fight is just that, simple, no real plot, it don’t try to make the movie more than what it is, a movie centered around a guy fighting. Problem is though the fights aren’t that exciting and they don’t have that brutal fight to the death look it’s supposed to be portraying. All the fights looked slow and where boring with too much of a choreographed look. Worse yet the movie tried to bring in a side story with Shane going over the edge because of the fights so he takes it out on his wife, son, and brother only it’s done horribly. This part of the story is never developed enough and goes nowhere nor does it do anything for the movie. I would have been fine if all the scenes of Shane’s home life was taken out. To add on to all the flaws of this movie, the acting was shoddy, Peter Weller did nothing more than try to seem like a tough crime boss while Gary Daniels seems to want to be a believable fighter but only comes across as rough with no skill for fights.

What I was a little surprised by is how this movie has such a sharp looking picture. Forced to Fight was shot on Red cameras, which are pretty good for HD and gives the movie sharp colors and has a clean picture. Because this movie is a underground fight club movie I knew there where going to a lot of dark scenes and I also figured that these scenes would have a grainy picture with a lot of noise in it. I was wrong in this instance because Forced to Fight has solid blacks with hardly no noise in the picture at all. The audio levels are decent and if there had been some better sound effects being used the audio would have been better used.


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