>> History Channel - Instant Expert: The Story of Oil (2010)

Title: History Channel - Instant Expert: The Story of Oil

Genre: Documentary

Director: History Channel

Studio: A&E Entertainment

Runtime: 94 Minutes

Release Date: July 27, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 2.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

When I first sat down to watch this DVD I was rather surprised to find out that Al Gore was not narrating it. Let’s put it this way “Big Oil” is not probably funding this film. History Channel’s Instant Expert series has been at least for the whole two I have watched, been educational. They probably would be great in school to teach kids, or give them a 94 minutes nap.
I did find it hard to keep my eyes open on this compared to the Ben Franklin one I have watched previously. The narrator was less monotone as the Ben Franklin one, but it was just more of the same. Although I did find out that my home state was the first state to drill for oil.
I found most of the video was pretty much left-wing propaganda for “Global Warming” and the “Greenhouse Effect” . Here is an idea, if you are so worried about the use of oil, then stop using it and set an example. At least some Democrats that wild about this topic, drive Hybrid but nothing makes me laugh more than driving behind an old Buick with an Obama bumper sticker on it. Basically everything we do depends on oil in some aspect. Plastic, even your Hybrid car, the tires and engine oil is used at some point building it or what have you.
Well without going more into a political rant, I will stop there. The video is informative to say the least. At some point seemed like I was watching Jurassic Park with Mr. DNA , but instead it was Mr. Carbon.


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