>> I Spit on Your Grave 2010 (BLU RAY) (2011)

Title: I Spit on Your Grave 2010 (BLU RAY)

Edition: Blu Ray

Genre: Drama, Horror, Mature Audience

Starring: Daniel Franzese, Andrew Howard, Sarah Butler, Chad Lindberg, Rodney Eastman, Jeff Branson, Tracy Walters

Director: Steven R. Monroe

Studio: Anchor Bay Entertainment

Runtime: 108 minutes

Release Date: February 8, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

Notes: This movie has brutal rape scenes and violence that may not be for some people.

Rating: 0.79 (out of 4.00)

Grade: F

Special Features

Deleted scenes, Commentary with director, Trailers, and more

Jennifer Hills (played by Sarah Butler) has rented a house out by a isolated lake so she can write her novel. Getting lost on her way to find the house, she stops at a gas station where she meets Johnny (played by Jeff Branson), Stanely (played by Daniel Franzese), and Andy (played Rodney Eastman). Though the 3 men makes some rude remarks to her, Jennifer goes on her way to the house. It takes a few days before Jennifer has to call Matthew (played by Chad Lindberg) to come fix the sink pipes in her bathroom. Soon after the group of 4 go to the house to attack and rape Jennifer but she gets away before they can. Getting the help of the Sheriff (played by Andrew Howard), he goes back to the house with Jennifer to check out her story. Only Jennifer finds out that the Sheriff is in league with the other men and all of them brutally rape Jennifer. Escaping in the river afterwards, the men believe Jennifer to be dead and go on about their lives. When a month passes they quickly find out that Jennifer is still alive and she now seeks revenge.

‘I Spit on Your Grave’ is the remake of the same name movie that came out in 1978. When the original movie came it was dubbed as one of the most controversial movies and I would agree with that statement. Now that there has been a remake in a time when showing brutal attack scenes, violence, the rape of a woman, and lots of blood, I was figuring on this movie being even more graphic and disgusting as the original. I was wrong in thinking this.

Compared to the original ‘I Spit on Your Grave’, this remake is only half of what the original was. Don’t get me wrong though, the rape scenes and the violence is still brutal and horrible but they are not as graphic as the original. Where the original made me feel disgusted and feeling like my brain needed a bath for watching it, this remake only had me thinking this was a horrible thing to happen but it didn’t have the same impact. This I think is because in this remake the scenes are not as graphic as the original one was.

My Thoughts:
Though in this remake the acting was better than it was in the original it’s no-where good enough to make me like the movie. Sarah Butler does a good job in her role as being 3 different personalities in this as she goes from being innocent aspiring author, to victim that’s had everything taken away, and finally ending with the vengeful, hate filled, predator. Though I wasn’t that much impressed with the characters of Johnny, Matthew, Andy, or Stanley, it’s the character of the Sheriff that is the other character that stood out. Andrew Howard does his job in making the character of the Sheriff the most sick, twisted, and disliked character out of them all.

Still, I wasn’t impressed with the remake and I still didn’t like it. The only thing it has going for it over the original is that it’s not as graphic or as disgusting. Where the original movie is one that would be very hard to forget, this remake can easily be forgotten and just another movie that has some violence in it. Throw in the fact that they switch from seeing the view from a camcorder that’s being used in the movie by the characters and then back out from it, I just became even more unimpressed with what I was seeing. This camcorder tactic is old and one that I never liked that much in the first place. At times it’s hard to have done right but guess what, it’s not done right here and just ends up being annoying.

With the remake being done in 2010 as to 1978, the quality of the picture is much better. Which as clear as the picture is on this remake, I’m glad that it’s not as graphic as the original. All the scenes are really crisp and smooth in this movie and has some really good sound to it. Though neither one is still enough to make me like this movie. Actually there was nothing that made me like other than having it end and that it wasn’t as graphic as the original.



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