>> Maneater (2010)

Title: Maneater

Genre: Comedy, Drama, Romantic, Television

Starring: Sarah Chalke, Gregory Harrison

Studio: Sony Pictures

Runtime: 176 minutes

Release Date: February 9, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 2.98 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Bonus Features


Clarissa discovered at an early age that if she wears the right clothes, acts the right way, and knows the right people then she can get everything she wants out of life. That is until she hits a certain age. Her Dad is cutting her off, there are younger women on the prowl, and she recently broke up with her boyfriend. Clarissa comes up with an idea to get married; she finds the dress, the date, and the flowers all that is left is to find a man. But life doesn’t deliver quite the way that Clarissa hopes as she finds herself pregnant, torn between two men, no place to live, needing a job, and dealing with fighting parents.

This movie is based on a book and I could see how perhaps the book was a fun, addicting read. However when it comes to the movie I feel there was an editing issue. They just threw in too many issues, it’s like you take every topic covered in every Lifetime movie and bam get it shoved back at you in one story. There is lying, cheating, mistaken identity, drug addiction, a baby, a wedding, death, family problems, someone finding their direction in life, a hypochondriac and it is all wrapped into a romantic-comedy. It is just a bit much to take in and even though it is 176 minutes many topics feel like they were discarded midway into the story only to be summed up in the very end.

The main story though of Clarissa and her trying to find happiness in money only to discover that there are other ways to be happy is sweet and funny albeit a bit cluttered at times with other details. Sarah Chalke is beautiful as always and willing to make a fool of herself for a joke which makes her even more attractive. The look at how shallow life in Hollywood can be and the backstabbing nature of women offers laughs but at times can be a little much to swallow as it gets slightly over the top. When the predictable ending finally came along I was glad for it, 3 hours of a romantic comedy is a bit much to take on in one sitting. But they do keep the break complete with credits in the middle of the movie as it was a 2 nite airing on Lifetime.

Not a terrible movie and as long as you aren’t looking for too much depth in the story it can be a cute one to watch. Guys it is near Valentine’s Day, if you know for a fact that your girlfriend/wife/whatever enjoys the girly, sappy, slight comedy, romantic movies and you don’t mind killing 3 hours in your nite this is not a bad one to pick up if all the good movies are already rented out. Or if you don’t really want to watch it that nite it could make a nice gift.


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