>> McLeod’s Daughters: The Original Movie (2009)

Title: McLeod’s Daughters

Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Television

Starring: Jack Thompson, Kym Wilson, Tammy McIntosh, Mercia Deane-Johns, Gary Heath

Director: Michael Offer

Studio: E1 Entertainment

Runtime: 90 minutes

Release Date: December 8, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 3.82 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Bonus Features

First 2 episodes of the TV Series

Tess returns home to notify her estranged father Jack that her mother has passed away and to see her half sister Claire. Tess was hoping to make it a quick trip but her father does everything in his power to make her stay while Claire wants nothing more than for her to leave. After a devastating accident the sisters are left with a mound of debt and the risk of losing the ranch that their father loved. Pulling together the sisters not only learn how to work together but finally get to know each other.

This is the movie that spurred on the TV series which lasted for eight seasons. The setting of Australia creates a beautiful backdrop making it easy to understand why the sisters would fight so hard to save the ranch. The story is touching and empowering as not only do the sisters reunite but learn what they are capable of doing on their own. Even though the story is good and the acting is decent I would compare this closer to that of Lifetime movies instead of theatrical releases.

The DVD only has one bonus feature the first 2 episodes of the TV series. This will give you a chance to know if you would like to see where the story continues. For fans that already own the TV series on DVD you already know that this movie was one of the bonus features that came with the first season. Have no fear as this DVD does not contain anything your release did not.


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