>> Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol (BLU-RAY) (2012)

Title: Mission: Impossible - Ghost Protocol

Genre: Action/Adventure, Drama, Suspense

Starring: Tom Cruise, Jeremy Renner, Simon Pegg, Paula Patton

Director: Brad Bird

Studio: Paramount Pictures

Runtime: 133 minutes

Release Date: April 17, 2012

Format: BLU-RAY, DVD

Discs: 3

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 4.45 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Official Site

Did You Know?

The high-tech car that 'Ethan Hunt' drives near the end of the film is the Vision Efficient Dynamics concept car. It is an actual prototype of the BMW i8 plug-in hybrid that will enter production in late 2013. The concept car is powered by a 1.5 liter three-cylinder turbocharged gasoline engine and two electric motors. ~ IMDB

When an IMF agent is killed while on a mission to retrieve stolen nuclear launch codes the team must break Ethan Hunt out of a Russian prison to help them track down the codes and avert a nuclear disaster, but even with IMF’s greatest agent on the job will the team be able to pull off their mission?

I’m not a fan of the Mission Impossible series. Sure the original TV series had it’s time but the MI franchise seemed, to me at least, to be just another competitor in that whole action spy genre that always seems to have the same plot regardless of the film. Bad guys are about to do something very bad, our hero spy tries to stop them, ends up going on the lamb from their own agency for one reason or another, chase scene, action scene, chase scene, and done. Mission Impossible, for all it had going for it, ends up being just a mediocre film with lots of very cool gadgets and an overabundance of action sequences. It’s not the awesome Brad Bird live action film I had been expecting and worst off the actors placed in the film, thanks to being typecast over the years, end up doing more damage then good as they execute their soap opera story dialogue and battle it out in the same old, same old fashion that’s been a mainstay in just about every spy film. It quite literally was, for me, a real yawner.

Mission Impossible III was hit in theaters and thanks to a fantastic BD transfer it’s also going to be a hit in home movie theaters. Aside from some light flicker during dark interior scenes the film looks ever so slightly shy of impeccable. Detail is scrutinizingly acute, colors explode on screen, clarity is superb, and just about everything else you could hope for in a BD film is delivered in spades. It’s a superior picture that helps keep Paramount on the map as far as their progress in HD delivery is concerned.  

If your blown away by the MI:4 picture quality your going to be equally, if not even more so, blown away by the immaculate 7.1 Dolby TrueHD soundtrack. The sound spectrum is in full immersion as music and effects coming blasting at you from all sides. By far one of the best sounding Blu-Ray’s I’ve ever owned that makes for a fantastic at home movie night that rivals even the theater experience. I may not have loved the film, or even liked it all that much, but this is without a doubt a reference BD disc.

~Mission Accepted: On-Set Action With Tom Cruise, J.J. Abrams & Director Brad Bird. See The Amazing Stunt Work On The World's Tallest Building In Dubai And More!
~Impossible Missions: the Sandstorm Brought To Life And The Secrets ~Behind The Gadgets
~Deleted Scenes And Alternate Opening
~DVD and Ultraviolet Digital Copy



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