>> Mutiny On The Bounty (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Mutiny On The Bounty

Edition: Blu-Ray special edition book version

Genre: Action/Adventure, Classics, Drama

Starring: Clark Gable, Charles Laughton

Director: Frank Lloyd

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 132 minutes

Release Date: November 16, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

Rating: 3.44 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B+

Special Features

Book case that has facts and photos of the movie.

Getting drafted is never a fun thing but when a crew of men is drafted for the ship Bounty they find out that it’s the worst moment of their lives. It all starts with a two year long trip to Tahiti for some breadfruit plants but things get worse when the captain of the ship comes aboard. From the very start Captain William Bligh (played by Charles Laughton) lets everyone know that he will rule his ship through fear and punishment. Any crew member caught disobeying orders, not doing their duty, or any deed that Bligh considers to be wrong, the punishment is quite severe. Lashings, beatings, and even death are just a few of the punishments that Bligh deals out to the crew. Though the Masters Mate Fletcher Christian (played by Clark Gable) can only stand so much of Blighs cruel and unjust deeds. Christian and some of the other crew mates form a band that mutiny on the Bounty and set Captain Bligh and his followers out to sea to fend for themselves.
Mutiny On the Bounty was made in 1935, it took 2 years to make, and cost 2 million dollars, which is a whole lot of money for a film during that time. Clark Gable was a major movie star, though his mustache does not make an appearance in this film, he does however play a good role as Fletcher Christian. This is also based off true events and based off the novel of the same name. Before now I had never seen the movie, I’ve heard of Captain Bligh and had a small idea of the type of man that Bligh was but after seeing this movie I realize that I had no real idea of the true extent this man was. To say he was mean would be an understatement, Bligh was a extremely mean man who made sure that his ship was run with an iron fist that had no problems coming down hard on the crew.

During this film I was really enjoying it and a few moments was a little bored with it. I was thrown off by the flow of Mutiny On The Bounty because it has a quick and slow rhythm to it. The beginning starts off a little slow but picks up when the crew is on the Bounty getting flogged by orders of Captain Bligh. But then it quickly becomes slow when the tortures and beatings keep happening but there’s no mutiny. I just kept waiting and waiting for it to happen, I mean it’s called Mutiny on the Bounty not Captain Bligh has the crew flogged.

Still though, the movie is a good movie. The plot, which considering is based off an actual event though from what I’ve read up on it after watching the film some things that happens in the film didn’t happen in the real events. This is not a happy pirate movie where the people are swinging around on ropes high in the air fighting long bearded bad guys or singing songs while swabbing the decks. Mutiny On The Bounty is a film that has characters that are bad and even the good end up being a little bad, and it has a story that made me interested in what was happening.

The acting by all the case is good, at times some of the smaller characters of the crew members is a little over played but because the character was only on screen for a short period so it don’t hurt any. What I liked the most though was the scenes in this movie. Bounty looked like a real ship, not just some movie set that’s supposed to look like a ship while having a painted background. Though this Blu-Ray version of the film is nothing extraordinary in the way it looks, in fact it kind of hurts it a little because the quality of the film can be seen. It’s a very old movie and though technology is doing some wonderful things with old films sometimes all that it does is show the flaws in the film. There’s noise, graininess to the film and it’s seen here, not anything on a large scale but enough that’s it’s noticeable. However, the sound quality is excellent, after the first few minutes. It’s one of the weird parts that I don’t get on how it happened, the first few minutes the volume of it is low but then it picks up later in the film so it can be heard pretty clearly. Mutiny On The Bounty is good, it has some great cinematography, especially for the age of the movie, and there are some moments in it that make for a good laugh. Though, best of all is Bligh, he makes the movie and Charles Laughton is the one that makes Bligh come to life.

One of the features that this Blu-Ray has is one of the coolest that I’ve seen with a movie, a book. Ok, before you go oh a book nothing new there I want to let you know it’s not just a book that comes with the movie, it’s the Blu-Ray case. That’s right, the case for the Blu-Ray movie is a also a book that has 32 pages giving facts about the movie and photos from it. It’s the same size as any normal case, though a little thicker but not by much, and when  you open it you open it like a hard cover book. Which is another good point to it, it’s hard cover not plastic or cheap thin cardboard. If you looked at the cover and didn’t notice the blue strip at the top saying Blu Ray this would look like a book. This feature trumps the small amount of special features.



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