>> Neowolf (2010)

Title: Neowolf

Genre: Horror

Starring: Michael Frascino, Agim Kaba, Heidi Johanningmeier, Megan Pepin, Ryan Ross

Director: Alan Smithee

Studio: Lions Gate

Runtime: 88 minutes

Release Date: April 20, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 0.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: F

Official Site


When it comes to campy horror movies, let's stick to the ones that don't treat the audience like complete fools unlike Neowolf. Watch Evil Dead, Santa's Sleigh or Night of the Living Creeps and never look at anything that resembles the name Neowolf.

 Tony (Michael Frascino) is stuck between chasing his rock star dream and his dream girl, Rosemary (Heidi Johanningmeier). When he comes back home to surprise her, he is in for a surprise himself. Rock stars Neowolf have come to town and are looking for a new member to join the "band". The only problem? They are werewolves. 

Look, I enjoy campy horror movies as much as the next Sam Raimi fan, but this is horrible. After the opening scene, you know exactly what you're getting into. Two teenagers being massacred by a (horribly costumed) werewolf while they are alone in a car committing sexual acts? Seriously, let's do something original and actually interesting. It seems that the film focuses mainly on the idea that the more blood, the better. Which is funny, because this definitely isn't the bloodiest movie I've seen (See The Descent). The scenes in which people are murdered are boring and overdone. Which reminds me, there aren't many murder scenes at all. The idea of the band being werwolves wouldn't be understood if you missed the first 20 minutes. Camera angles and quality look like a basic Mac Movie Editor style. If not exactly that. 

Even the story is just horrible. The band performs songs that sound like that one band that played at all of our high school proms. You know the ones; The ones with names like Societal Meltdown or The Nuclear Sponge. What really gets me is that they didn't even grab people who could sing or play their instruments to act in the movie. They hired actors to lip-synch and pretend to play guitar. This wouldn't bother me as much if the actor sounded anything like the singer. Which he doesn't. Also, 15 minutes into the movie, you can see a boom mic...Really? The only movie to successfully incorporate an "accidental" boom mic appearance is Black Dynamite (Haven't seen it yet? Do yourself a favor and do so, immediately). And that's under the assumption that Director Alan Smithee did this on purpose. 

When it comes to campy horror movies, let's stick to the ones that don't treat the audience like complete fools unlike Neowolf. Watch Evil Dead, Santa's Sleigh or Night of the Living Creeps and never look at anything that resembles the name Neowolf. 


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