>> Public Enemies (BLU-RAY) (2009)

Title: Public Enemies

Edition: BLU-RAY

Genre: Drama

Starring: Johnny Depp, Christian Bale, Marion Cotillard

Director: Michael Mann

Studio: Universal Studios

Runtime: 2 Hours 20 Minutes

Release Date: December 8, 2009

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 1.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C-

Official Site

On Location

When Dillinger is shot in the film it is the real life location where Dillinger was actually shot. Johnny Depp did his best to lay his body out in the exact postion in the exact spot where Dillinger fell dying.

Public Enemies was a film that I enjoyed in theaters. It was slow and methodical with a bit of fun. The Blu-ray for the film is loaded with all kinds of cool extras but unfortunately for fans of the film and BD enthusiasts the transfer is awful.

The film can do well with the HD angle as seen in most of the daylight scenes. The colors are vibrant, the detail defined by a clarity that would have been useful had it run through the whole film. Darker scenes are grainy sometimes abysmally so throwing white lines of static across the picture in a way that should make Universal ashamed. Low lit scenes have a strobe effect at times with light pulsating in the background or just becoming grainy which messes with the color of the picture itself. Just terrible. Sound quality is fantastic. You want theater quality sound your going to get it with this mix.

*Larger Then Life: Adversaries
*Michael Mann: Making Public Enemies
*Last of the Legendary Outlaws
*On Dillingers Trail: The Real Locations
*Criminal Technology
*Feature Commentray with Michael Mann
*Digital Copy

Let me add that all of these features are documentary style rather then a few screens of lettering. I applaud that.

*U-Control which is an interactive feature for the film which allows you to use Picture in Picture and an Interactive Timeline while the film is running. (Make sure your firmware is up to date and that your BD Player is capable of using these features.
*BD Live feature (which the live part is optional) is the Gangster Movie Challenge. Your asked ten questions from an assortment Of Gangster films such as Casino, Carlito’s Way, Public Enemies, and more. Not as easy as you would think but fun.



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