>> Ricky (2011)

Title: Ricky

Genre: Drama, Sci-Fi

Starring: Sergi López, Alexandra Lamy, Mélusine Mayance

Director: Francois Ozon

Studio: MPI Home Video

Runtime: 89 minutes

Release Date: April 12, 2011

Format: DVD

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 3.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Ricky isn’t your average baby. Shortly after he was born, something strange started to happen. He grew wings. Naturally, his parents reacted just as you would expect; with wonder and awe and a tad bit of frustration. After all, taking care of an infant is difficult in itself but to have wings? That’s a whole other story.

The film centers around Ricky and his parents as they attempt to live normal lives around this abnormal situation. While someone with wings is nothing new to cinema, the way the film portrays them is quite different. Rather than take everything to the extreme and make it all fantasy, Ricky feels very cemented in the real world. It’s as if a baby with wings and the ability to fly could really exist. Reality and fantasy are creatively blended into one. The flying special effects do look rather tacky but overall, director François Ozon does a good job at making you believe what you see on screen.

Ricky is different from the vast majority of films you’ll see on the big screen. It’s very subtle with its material and doesn’t throw it right in your face as many films do. This does cause it to be a little dull at times but give Ricky a viewing and you’d be surprised at how much you’ll enjoy it.

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