>> Rio Sex Comedy (2011)

Title: Rio Sex Comedy

Genre: Foreign Films

Starring: Charlotte Rampling, Bill Pullman, Irène Jacob

Director: Jonathan Nossiter

Studio: MPI Home Video

Runtime: 124 mins

Release Date: November 15, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 0.95 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D

For a film entitled “Rio Sex Comedy,” this movie has a ton of the first, a decent amount of the second, and not a whole lot of the third. It takes place in Rio de Janeiro, it explores the sexual relationships of a few of the characters…and there’s nearly no humor to be found. In truth, this is a meandering story that tries to weave three disparate storylines together: the older plastic surgeon looking to help Brazilians in need, the French filmmaker who’s documenting servant roles in the society, and the American ambassador to Brazil who has cold feet about actually serving in his newly-appointed post.

The movie is shot in a pseudo-documentary style, which is to say, it’s a little raw and realistic in look and feel. Unfortunately, that also means that it’s not always interesting to watch. Coupled with the generally weak storyline (or storylines), and this film left me rather bored. It deals with some potentially interesting topics (the plastic surgery obsession angle), but ultimately fails to arrive at any compelling conclusions.

Any things said and done, if you’re passionate about Rio, then this might be worth your time. Or if you’re a foreign film aficionado, then you might want to check this out. All others? Pass and avoid.



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