>> Secret War (2012)

Title: Secret War

Genre: Documentary

Starring: Alisdair Simpson

Director: Nick Aarons

Studio: Acorn Media

Runtime: 656 minutes

Release Date: April 17, 2012

Format: DVD

Discs: 4

Rating: 3.81 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Bonus Features

20 page viewer's guide

WWII has just begun, the world is starting to feel the terror that this war will bring, and Great Britain waits for the war to come to their part on the world. Prime Minister Winston Churchill decides that waiting is nothing that Great Britain is going to do, it’s time to bring the war to the Nazis army and in the summer of 1940 the secret group called the Special Operations Executive, or SOE, is tasked with one mission, “Set Europe ablaze”.

Secret War is a documentary that tells about the secret organization that was made by Winston Churchill to uncover the secrets of the German army. Watching this documentary is like watching a real life 007 movie but with none of the fast cars and women. WWII is such a huge war in the history of the world that the full account can never be given and new information will always be coming to light and this is what I got when watching this documentary. This documentary is packed with so much going on, information, and it’s just fun to watch.
This is a really interesting and captivating collection to watch because it really is like a spy movie; only it’s all real. Actually, it’s so much better than any spy movie that I’ve seen because it is based on real events. At times I got a little confused on whether I should be treating this as a documentary because of entertaining it is to watch. I was amazed at all the events that took place that are told about in Secret War. The men who went undercover to get the information and strike out against the Nazis where some brave men doing acts that just seem unreal. There’s actual footage intermixed with interviews of family members that make this documentary more informative and entertaining to watch.
Though this might be a lot of fun to watch as well as being filled with information, it also reminds me that WWII was a horrible, horrific event in history. Secret War shows and tells so much about how this war took away from so many people. In the movies being a secret agent is glamorous but the truth is shown in this documentary that it’s far from being anything other than sad and terrifying. This DVD set is 11 hours long I didn’t get bored any time while watching it. By the time I got to the last disc I was thinking that it would have been nice if there had been another disc to watch. This is the type of documentary that I would have liked to been shown when I was in high school first learning about WWII. It does a good job in showing what some of the other counties in the world had to do to fight in the war while finding ways to survive. Secret War is an eye opening documentary that gives a lot of information about Great Britain’s intelligence agents while also being entertaining to watch, keeping it from being boring or sounding like a lecture.


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