>> Sid! By Those Who Really Knew Him: 2 Disc Set (2009)

Title: Sid! By Those Who Really Knew Him

Edition: 2 Disc Set

Genre: Documentary, Live Music

Starring: Sid Vicious, David Vanian, Malcolm Mclaren, Viv Albertine, Glen Matlock, Vivenne Westwood, John Tiberi, Steve Severin

Studio: Odeon Entertainment

Runtime: 86 minutes

Release Date: November 24, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 4.34 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Bonus Features

Punk In London Trailer, Punk In England Trailer, Sid! Trailer, Bonus Disc 10 Track CD Sid Live In New York

Sid Vicious. A name that has become synonymous with the punk culture. But how much of his image was real? What was he like when he was around Nancy? And was his death suicide or just an accident? This DVD sets out to give you insight to Sid and his life by not only interviewing those that were around and knew Sid personally but by including old photos, videos, and interviews with Sid, Nancy, and many others that were a part of the punk scene in England.

Honestly this is one of the better documentaries I have seen released by MVD. You have interviews from Steve Severin (Siouxsie And The Banshees), David Vanian (The Damned), Malcolm Mclaren (Sex Pistols Manager), Viv Albertine (The Slits & Roommate), Ron Watts (100 Club), Glen Matlock (Sex Pistol), Rat Scabies (The Damned), Vivienne Westwood (Sex Designer), John Tiberi (Sex Pistols Tour Manager), and many many more.

They discuss how Sid was before he joined The Sex Pistols, what he did on stage once he did join, the drinking, and his shyness around girls. Upon meeting Nancy, Sid’s life takes a darker turn. Friends remember him getting into drugs that he never touched before, how he just followed her lead wherever it took him, and their attempts at getting him to see she was no good for him. Unfortunately their pleas did not get through and Nancy was found dead with Sid being the leading suspect in the murder. But Sid never made it to trial as he was soon found dead of a drug overdose. Again they turn to friends for their insight as you hear how Sid was not depressed and was even looking forward to the future and clearing his name.

Many seem very protective over Sid and his memory during the interviews. But this does not stop them from telling you stories of how he caused a girl to lose sight in one of her eyes from a bottle he threw or that he took too many Vicodins on a flight and the amount of time it took to wake him once the plane landed. Some memories seem to contradict each other as some feel that Sid was a terrible bass player while others remember him learning to play all the Ramones’ songs by ear.

Regardless of the variety in some memories you get a good look at Sid Vicious, something more than just the spiky black hair and leather jacket. As a bonus included is “Sid Live In New York” CD. I am so glad that I was given the opportunity to review this, releases like this is helps me remember why I started doing this in the first place. A great look at not only Sid and his life but the rising punk scene in England.

No interviews with Johnny Rotten are included.


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