>> Sleep Tight (BLU-RAY) (2013)

Title: Sleep Tight

Genre: Drama, Suspense

Starring: Luis Tosar, Marta Etura, Alberto San Juan, Petra Martinez, Iris Almeida

Director: Jaume Balagueró

Studio: Dark Sky Films

Runtime: 102 minutes

Release Date: January 8, 2013

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

Rating: 4.37 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A+

Bonus Features

Trailer, Sleep Tight Cesar's World

Happiness for Cesar (played by Luis Tosar) is nothing but a story, one that he believes will never be his own. Lacking any happiness in his life, Cesar strikes out at the people living in the apartment building where he works as the doorman at. His only goal in life now is to make everyone in the building as miserable as possible, especially Clara (played by Marta Eura), the happiest person in the building. Unbeknownst to Clara, Cesar uses the trust she has in him to begin his sick and twisted goal of making her life as sad and painful as his own. Every night Cesar sneaks into Clara’s room to fulfill his demented plans to ruin her life where he becomes the monster hiding under her bed.

What a strange and sick movie Sleep Tight is. Though at first I didn’t care to much for the language being in Spanish while having to read the English subtitles, by the time I finished the movie I realized that the subtitles actually made the movie a little better. Though it was also because of the language that it too me a little while to figure out what was going on with the characters. When the movie starts it looks like Cesar and Clara are a couple, then it looks like they are a couple trying to keep their relationship secret, but after about 20 minutes in I’m shown that the only relationship Cesar has with Clara is the sick one he plays out as he stalks her and secretly torments her without her knowledge.

Once I realized what was going on I really got into the plot of Sleep Tight. I also realized that the main reason for Cesar doing what he does was told at the start of the movie it was because of having to read the subtitles that made me miss what I was reading. These subtitles would flash by so quick that I was having to rewind a few too many times to see what was being said and because of that I lost some concentration of following the plot. Still, it’s a plot that can be figured out and it’s one that’s just really messed up. Luis Tosar gives a wonderful performance as the really sick and crazy Cesar who spends his nights knocking out Clara and sleeping with her, among other sick acts he performs.

I got to say I was very impressed with the plot and storytelling in Sleep Tight. Where typical movies, even ones that has the villain as the main character, will build the villain they will have a hero come along to stop the villain. Not in Sleep Tight, however. There’s no hero in this movie, Clara as well as all the other characters are victims, while Cesar grows more evil and sick until the end, where he is at his sickest. I liked how I was pulled into wanting something to actually happen to the main character to stop him from doing what he was doing. This is by far one of the more twisted movies that I’ve watched in a while and I will have to watch it again because it is so good.

Continuing on with being a good movie, Sleep Tight looks good as a Blu Ray. Considering that this movie is pretty much nothing but dark scenes I was a little surprised that there wasn’t that much noise in the picture. I would say the only thing I didn’t like was that some of the scenes where a bit too dark. I know they were trying to go for that whole creepy, stalker, hiding under the bed in the night thing but the picture was just a little too dark. Other than the few darker moments the lighting was used to add to the feel of the moment. This was a nice looking movie on Blu Ray where even though there is only 2 bonus features, one is over an hour long so it makes up for only being 2.


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