>> Spanish for Kids: Las Estaciones (The Seasons) (2011)

Title: Spanish for Kids: Las Estaciones (The Seasons)

Genre: Family

Starring: Sara Jerez, Jorge Anaya, Galindo-Macias, Juarez, Foster

Director: Goncalves-Pereira

Studio: Whistlefritz

Runtime: 30 Minutes

Release Date: February 1, 2011

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 2.85 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

My experience with Whistlefritz has been not so great. The first time I was sent a copy to review I found it lacking in all kinds of area’s, area’s that the DVD suggests are for your child’s benefit such as full language immersion. Full language immersion means that your child will learn another language by watching the DVD without any sort of translation aid. Of course inside of the DVD there is a little study guide that has Spanish to English translations but all this really equals out to is work. For all its cute little animated characters and scenes with kids smiling and having a good time make no mistake this is work.

In this latest DVD release from Whistlefritz titled Seasons/Las Estaciones kids learn about the four seasons. Of course there are no English subtitles to kind of help your child along but for the most part this release was far easier to follow then the last. Translations match up with arrows pointing to specific objects and pictures are clearly stated in regards to the word they represent. El verano (summer) is clearly pointed out by a child outside on a sun filled day, el invierno (winter) is clearly pointed out by a child outside in the snow and so on. Other easy to interpret words are shown when dressing a small animated child as they go outside in the different seasons. Arrows clearly point out un abrigo (a coat), unos guantes (some gloves), unas botas (some boots), and un pantalon (pants). Even though there are no subtitles to inform you what it is that’s being said these examples are easier to interpret. Then again when Miss Maria, the host of the DVD along with Fritz the mouse, begins to speak to the ninos (children) and Fritz there is less of a chance of interpreting what is being said. In any regard as negatively as I felt about the last Whistlefritz DVD I had reviewed this one seems like its better put together. Not sure about this full language immersion tactic but apparently the series has won award after award for the job that their doing so who am I to say. Just know that if your purchasing this DVD for your child or children the only real help your going to receive as far as explaining the things that are to hard to grasp while watching the DVD are located in the Spanish to English study guide found in the DVD case but even that doesn’t seem to cover everything. As always final judgment is yours.


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