>> Surviving the Holidays with Lewis Black (2010)

Title: Surviving the Holidays with Lewis Black

Genre: Comedy

Starring: Lewis Black

Director: Adam Dubin

Studio: A&E Home Video

Runtime: 94 minutes

Release Date: October 26, 2010

Format: DVD

MPAA Rating: PG

Rating: 2.90 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B-

Official Site

Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Years; the holidays are fast approaching and comedian Lewis Black is kind enough to share his tips and tricks for making it through these so-called difficult times. 

Black, along with fellow comedians and actors, discuss the various holidays and recant their cherished memories. The format of the show reminds me a lot of the Food Network's "The Best Thing I Ever Ate." A topic is presented and then comedians crack their jokes about said topics. It have a very impromptu feel to it.

The History Channel special (which aired last holiday season) covers the majority of what you would expect; Thanksgiving, Christmas, etc, but it also covers some of the lesser known "events" such as Black Friday. Occasionally, Black with sit down with guests and have a face-to-face chat with them. Ron White's holiday survival kit specifically comes to mind as being quite hilarious.

Surviving the Holidays can be quite informative and manages to generate some laughs every now and then. There are plenty of comedians who make an appearance and each has his or her own style to bring. I'm still not quite sure as to why this was on the History Channel but it's definitely something I would watch...at least once. Owning the DVD might be a little bit much but if you happen to come across it while flipping though channels, definitely give it a look.

Follow me on Twitter @Majiesto


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