>> The Break-Up Artist (2009)

Title: The Break-Up Artist

Genre: Comedy, Drama

Starring: Amanda Crew, Ryan Kennedy

Director: Steve Woo

Studio: Starz / Anchor Bay

Runtime: 94 minutes

Release Date: November 10, 2009

Format: DVD

MPAA Rating: PG-13

Rating: 1.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D

Love is a fragile thing. Breaking up with someone can be difficult, especially if they’re the crier type or pleader type. Thankfully, there’s Britney’s Splitzville business to makes things much easier for breakups.

Britney specializes in the breakup business, and she is the best at what she does. No matter the type of person, she can successfully terminate any relationship. That is, until this new guy comes into the business and starts taking her clients. Now, it’s a struggle to stay afoot in the love industry and perhaps on the way, she might find the true meaning of the word too.

This movie is a complete joke. Right from the start, you basically want to kill off every character. Britney and her entourage of Twiddle Dee and Twiddle Dum go about playing undercover agent for much of the film and you can’t help but question how they were actually successful in anything really. For someone who is supposedly an expert in relationships, she sure does fall into some stereotypical tool traps as I like to call them.

The Break-Up Artist is a sappy attempt at a love story while throwing in some comedy to keep things jovial. After all, you see dozens of relationships begin and end in the film. The problem is that while it tries to be grounded in facts, or at least stereotypes of men and women, it comes off as completely unrealistic in every sense. 


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