>> The Hills Run Red (2009)

Title: The Hills Run Red

Genre: Horror, Suspense

Starring: William Sadler, Tad Hilgenbrink, Sophie Monk, Janet Montgomery, Mike Straub

Director: Dave Parker

Studio: Warner Home Video

Runtime: 81 minutes

Release Date: September 29, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: B

Bonus Features

Commentary & Making Of

“The Hills Run Red”, an 80’s horror movie that was too graphic & gory to ever be released. All that exists is the trailer and some stories circulating that the director and the cast disappeared after making it. The mystery sucks Tyler in and he is determined to find the missing film at any cost. Dragging his girlfriend and best friend along for the ride, Tyler tracks down the filmmaker’s daughter and sets off on a trip to the woods where the movie took place all the while documenting what happens. Tyler’s dreams of not only seeing the film but talking to the man behind it may be closer to coming true than he could ever think.

The killer Babyface is awesome. The costume, the background story, and his actions do not disappoint. The graphic killings and tortures range between gruesome & creepy to typical & sub-par. There is tons of blood and variety; but trying to go too big with it sort of watered down things.

The story has some good ideas behind it; but many of the things have been done before. There are some choices that I am unsure about such as the girlfriend & best friend sleeping together plot. Nothing really came from it. There are things that are predictable; but I think it is hard in this genre to get something completely original. At times it has a little bit of a “Hills Have Eyes” feel; but there are enough differences. I think that “The Hills Run Red” can stand out of the low-budget, straight to DVD flood of horror movies that are coming in right now. Not the greatest in the world but certainly average to high average and a fun watch.


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