>> The Man With the Golden Gun (BLU-RAY) (2009)

Title: The Man With the Golden Gun

Genre: Action/Adventure, Classics

Starring: Roger Moore, Christopher Lee, Britt Ekland

Director: Guy Hamilton

Studio: MGM

Runtime: 125 Minutes

Release Date: May 12, 2009

Format: BLU-RAY

MPAA Rating: PG

Rating: 4.34 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

Official Site


Christopher Lee, who plays "the Man with the Golden Gun", is the cousin of James Bond creator Ian Fleming, sometimes referred to as "the Man with the Golden Pen".

MGM is pushing their James Bond movies out as fast as possible, releasing well over half of them now.  I've had the opportunity to see all of them on blu-ray not, the latest being The Man With the Golden Gun.

Surprisingly great.  For the age of the movie (35 years old), the quality is pretty clear, with the audio shattering.

Featurettes, documentary, trailers, interviews, commentary.

Like all the other Bond movies, this is overloaded with special features, most of which won't interest the passing fan in the slightest.  The quality of the movie itself is the best I've seen of the old Bond movies, so far, blowing the Connery movies out of the water.  At least that's a leg up for runner-up favorite Roger Moore.  The movie is a great action ride from start to finish, in all it's 70s glory.  A fantastic addition to what is sure to be a huge Bond blu-ray collection.


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