>> The New World: The Extended Cut (2008)

Title: The New World

Edition: The Extended Cut

Genre: Action/Adventure

Starring: Christian Bale, Colin Farrell, Christopher Plummer, Michael Greyeyes, Ben Mendelsohn

Director: Terrence Malick

Studio: New Line

Runtime: 172 Minutes

Release Date: October 14, 2008

Format: DVD

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 0.80 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Surely in history class you have heard the tales of Capt. John Smith, Pocahontas, and the Jamestown settlement; but now you are given a whole new view point that elaborates on the shorten usually half page you may get in history books.  But how this movie is elaborated does not give the story life or motivate you to be interested in learning more. Nope, instead it is almost a guaranteed way to fall asleep as it creeps and crawls going from mildly interesting to mind numbingly dull in almost 3 hours.

Instead of really focusing on the challenges of Jamestown you watch as Capt John Smith is taken in by the natives and after being saved spends time with Pocahontas. Once again here is a chance for this movie to captivate you, draw you in by showing Native American life at that time; but instead you get some subtitles, all sorts of various footage of Pocahontas playing in fields, and very awkward love scenes (the kind that makes your skin crawl when you know the age difference). Then it is back to Jamestown for Capt. Smith so he can start his decent into a very boring insanity, the type where the person can function in society but talking to them you know something is a little off.

Some bad choices are made to save Pocahontas and Capt. Smith ends up returning to England and lying about his death to attempt to make things right with her. Then things somehow become even more disjointed as Pocahontas stumbles around mourning until she meets John Rolfe and finally journeys to England with him.

The slight focus put on the history, the surreal moments between Pocahontas & Capt. Smith, and the more realistic moments with Pocahontas & Rolfe have this movie stretching itself thin attempting to be something to everyone. For the few that could manage to sit through this slow moving, long movie the only bonus feature you get is the digital copy.


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