>> Tucker and Dale vs Evil (BLU-RAY) (2011)

Title: Tucker And Dale Vs Evil

Edition: Blu Ray

Genre: Comedy, Horror

Starring: Tyler Labine, Alan Tudyk, Slasher, Katrina Bowden

Director: Eli Craig

Studio: Magnolia Home Entertainment

Runtime: 88 minutes

Release Date: November 29, 2011

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 3.93 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A-

Official Site

Bonus Features

Making of, College Kids POV, Outtakes, Storyboards, Commentary

Two best friends Tucker (played by Tyler Labine) and Dale (played by Alan Tudyk) take a trip up into the West Virginia mountains for their vacation. With their newly acquired vacation home in the woods, the two friends are looking forward to doing some maintenance on the house while getting in some fishing and drinking. Once they learn that a group of college kids are also in the same set of woods going on a camping trip, Tucker and Dale get put through a vacation that has them running for their lives. Mistaking the two friends as crazy hillbilly killers, the group of college kids being lead by Chad (played by Jesse Moss), the kids begin a mission of killing the evil that is the two hillbillies when they think that Tucker and Dale have kidnapped and possibly killed one of the girls from their group. 

Tucker and Dale vs. Evil was a movie that I actually wanted to see when I first heard about it because of how funny the plot sounded. Here are two buddies out on a vacation where all they want to do is get drunk, fish, and hang out in their brand new piece of junk cabin that they just bought to be used as a vacation home. While on this vacation some college students believe that Tucker and Dale are actually psychopathic killers because of how they are dressed, look, and talk and take it upon themselves to kill the two killer hillbillies before they get killed. It’s a nice twist on the typical plot of the mountain style thriller/killer movies that have been put out there but it has the additional joy of being a comedy.

It’s been awhile since I laughed as hard and as much as I did with Tucker and Dale vs. Evil. Sure the plot is the backbone of what makes the movie but what makes it funny is the dialog and how well both Tyler Labine and Alan Tudyk play their characters. Both actors are good for comedy roles but usually only as a minor character or the side kick. Here they basically fill both side kick and main character roles as they play off each other. If it was done any other way where one of the two characters was made as the main character with the other being the side kick this movie would have flopped. Watching these two actors play these confused and scared hillbillies was a lot of fun. Both guys done a really good job with their reactions and facial expressions as they progressed from having fun fishing and drinking to thinking there’s a group of crazy suicidal/murderous college kids after them while trying to figure out what to do with the bodies, it’s all so funny.
There’s a lot of lines in this movie that will make for some great quotes, such as when Tucker and Dale are dragging off a body of one of the college kids who according to Dale has just thrown himself into the wood chipper, “He's heavy for half a guy.” It’s lines like this that make the movie so funny, though it don’t hurt having a bunch of college kids doing the parody of what college kids might do in a situation like this. What surprising about this movie is that it wasn’t completely what I expected it to be and because it did change up some on me I liked it even more.

My first impression from reading the plot summery of Tucker and Dale vs. Evil was that it was going to be this comedy about two guys trying to stay hidden from some overzealous college students. Which it is but to a extreme level of that and more. At no time before watching this did I think anyone was actually going to die or be killed, just the idea of that the two friends might be hillbilly killers. Instead there’s death and blood in this movie and quite a bit of it but it’s not in the way that the typical slasher movie is. It’s also the way and the reactions of all characters of when someone does die that had me laughing a lot. Tucker and Dale vs. Evil is a simple plot, has a good flow to it, characters that are funny, and so many funny lines that it has now made it into my list of must talk about to friends movies. 

I was not expecting to see this Blu Ray movie having the picture quality that it does. For reasons that I think was to make the movie look more like a slasher movie, Tucker and Dale vs. Evil has been made to look like it’s a B-movie instead of a up to date digital movie being put on a Blu Ray. Though there is a low grade quality look to the movie, the actually sharpness and clarity of the picture stays on the level of a normal Blu Ray. I didn’t notice any grain or noise in the picture when there are dark scenes, though not too many scenes are dark there are enough that it could have made the quality go down some. Still though, with the slight blueish/gray color that has been given to the overall look to this movie it works really well with the movie. If this had been a more vibrant color movie where it looks like someone had used a HD video outside, it would have hurt the effect it would have had on me watching it. Because of this change in color and less vibrant colors, the movie has a darker feel to it, one that helps make the movie fun. Best yet there are special features on this Blu Ray and ones that I actually like, the one main favorite being the outtakes reel. Coming in second to the outtakes reel was the featurette where it tells the view from the college kids, which was a lot of fun to watch. This is what a average Blu Ray should be like and what it should feature making it worth the money that’s charged for it and making it more enjoyable to watch and have.


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