>> Undisputed 3: Redemption (BLU-RAY) (2010)

Title: Undisputed 3: Redemption

Edition: Blu-Ray

Genre: Action/Adventure, Suspense

Starring: Hristo Shopov, Scott Adkins, Mykel Shannon Jenkins, Mark Ivanir, Marko Zaror

Director: Isaac Florentine

Studio: New Line Home Video

Runtime: 96 minutes

Release Date: June 1, 2010

Format: BLU-RAY

Discs: 2

MPAA Rating: R

Rating: 2.76 (out of 4.00)

Grade: C+

Special Features

The only special features that are on here is the extra disc that have the DVD version as well as a digital copy.

Eight elite fighters--prisoners from maximum security prisons around the world--are brought together by a powerful underground gambling syndicate for a secret, survival-of-the-fiercest battle competition. The prize: freedom for the champion... and a payday of millions to the organizers. Except the syndicate really doesn’t plan on allowing anyone to walk free. Scott Adkins (the fearsome Weapon XI in X-Men Origins: Wolverine) returns as Boyka in a spin-kicking, iron-fisted, ground-and-pound fury of martial arts mastery. With the odds against him overwhelming, Boyka will take on the syndicate his way. If his gambit works, it might send the whole scheme crashing down around them.

This movie was a ok movie to watch, though not one that required me using my brain at any moment. Not a bad thing at times and this is definitely a time that watching a movie without having to think works for the movie. This happens though when the movie is just about a guy fighting. Nothing new at all about this movie, it’s been done so many times that it could be called a cliché, and yet people, including myself, still watch it.

In Undisputed 3: Redemption Yori Boyka (Scott Adkins) who is supposed to be the best fighter in world has been in a prison trying to stay under the radar of the warden who is running a fight ring with the other prisoners. Soon enough Boyka has decided that he wants to fight for his freedom out of the prison but the only way to do that is to be put in the championship prison fights that have the best of the worst fighters around. Along the way he meets a friend who he helps out and of course the ending with him winning. Oh, did I give it away? Of course not cause this is the cliché that I was talking about.

Though as predictable as Undisputed 3: Redemption is, it’s still a fun movie to watch. The fight scenes are really intense but there were a few glitches in some of the fights. At times it’s easily seen that the punches and kicks don’t connect and they are a foot or so away from the person that is supposed to receive them. Regardless though of having some messed up choreographed fight scenes they are still really cool to watch. These guys are very athletic and know how to jump around like ninjas. When it was looking like they were going to punch they would kick and when it looked like they were going to kick they would punch or actually kick. Either way they went it looked really cool.

Though this is not one of the better fight movies it had decent enough acting it in but that’s not saying much for the film. I say this because there really isn’t much acting being done in Undisputed 3: Redemption so there’s not much to mess up. Everything in this film that makes it worth watching is the fights and getting to just shut down to enjoy a movie without having to figure out if there is some underlying theme. The quality of the picture is great but this is due to it being on a Blu-Ray. Though there are no special features, why I don’t know since the movie is only a little over an hour and half long, which leaves plenty of enough space on the disc for some behind the scenes making of videos but there are none.



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