>> Visions of Israel (2010)

Title: Visions of Israel

Genre: Documentary

Starring: Itzhak Perlman

Studio: Acorn Media

Runtime: 78 minutes

Release Date: August 10, 2010

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

MPAA Rating: NR

Rating: 4.00 (out of 4.00)

Grade: A

The Visions of series of documentaries takes viewers on high definition aerial tours of countries and cities to show their diverse landscape.  There is narration to explain the historical or cultural significance of sites and a score of native music.  The series has aired on public television to great acclaim and Acorn Media is releasing it on DVD.  Visions of Israel is the latest stunning installment.

The only Jewish state, Israel holds a special place in the hearts of many because of its significance to the three Abrahamic religions: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam.  Visiting Israel is often considered a pilgrimage, but it’s one that most people don’t get to make.  Visions of Israel provides the next best thing.  The high definition aerial footage is spectacular: from the stunningly desolate Negev Desert to the gorgeous mountains and holiest of holy sites.  I didn’t know Israel even had a waterfall, but the Banias Waterfall is beautiful.  Tel Aviv is a bustling city and the Dead Sea is so much more than simply the hiding place of the scrolls.  There’s even footage of miraculously engineered irrigation system that brings water from the Galilee to distant farms that see almost no rain between April and September.  It’s astonishing to see parts of a desert so fertile and full of vegetation.  The Nimrod Fortress and the West Wall get their due, as do the busy ports and lush seaside resorts.   The landscape is astonishingly varied.

The sacred sites are given special treatment here and some of them gave actually gave me chills.  I like that attention is paid to the holy places of all three of the connected religions.  Jerusalem is saved for last and is well worth the wait.  There is so much to see just in Jerusalem and Visions of Israel doesn’t stint.  In addition to the traditional religious sites, we even see Oskar Schindler’s grave.  Schindler was not Jewish but his wish to be buried in Israel was granted due to his bravery and aid to the Jewish people.

Itzhak Perlman, the Israeli-American violinist provides the excellent narration.  His voice is soothingly authoritative and the information provided is exhaustive in flowing prose.  Historical, cultural, and religious significance is discussed as are geographical and modern details.  The score is beautiful with different pieces of traditional music playing for the different scenes.

There are twenty-three minutes of scored but un-narrated (except for text captions of site names) footage that expands on some of the sites seen in Visions of Israel.  While they may be superfluous to the actual documentary, they are no less lovely or worthwhile.  The video quality is crystal-clear with excellent color, contrast, and shadowing.  The helicopter-mounted cameras have impressive zoom and capture the minutest detail.  The sound is also top notch.  The bewitching score fades as Perlman speaks, then swells in his silence.

If you are at all interested in Israel, this is an educational and breathtaking introduction.  You won’t find better camera work anywhere and the narration provides an impressive amount of information.  The music rounds out the experience perfectly.  Visions of Israel is, quite simply, a delight.


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