>> Women's Extreme Wrestling (2009)

Title: Women's Extreme Wrestling

Edition: Standard

Genre: Sports/Recreation

Starring: Annie Cruz, Dia Zerva, Trina Michaels

Director: N/A

Studio: Stonecutter Media LTD.

Release Date: August 25, 2009

Format: DVD

Discs: 1

Rating: 0.81 (out of 4.00)

Grade: D-

Official Site

Over the years I've seen, watched, and even been to live wrestling events. I've seen the high school version, I've seen the college version, watched the Olympic version, as well as the televised entertainment version. Not only that but I've even met some wrestlers in all versions except the Olympic level. But in all of that watching and meeting watching Women's Extreme Wrestling Good Girls Need Not Apply is the first time I've seen this kind of wrestling. Now I won't say I've never seen girls wrestle so I've pretty much have seen the real women wrestle as well as the women that are on the popular televised wrestling but this was different.

When I looked at the cover to this DVD my first thought was that these women were going to be those really rough women that wanted to be more physical and don't mind showing it. Then after I read the back of the DVD I started to think that maybe this wasn't going to be wrestling that was meant to be like on TV but more like the wrestling that would be in a bar or strip club but minus the Jell-O or oil. When the show, I got to call it a show because this is not a movie and I can't call it a sport because that would put down a real sport, so when this show started I was in for nearly 3 hours of something I was not expecting.

This Women's Extreme Wrestling was a bunch of different wrestling matches that looked like it was an amateur event in the local rec room gym but instead of a mixture of both men and women it's only women wrestling. Another big difference is that it really wasn't that entertaining. These women come out to the ring in their wrestling outfits doing the typical routine of I'm going to kick your butt and you're the one that is going to lose from me kicking your butt. They then go at it wrestling each other for a few minutes and during that whole time I kept thinking, when would this be over.

I've never been one that found wrestling shows fun to watch. They don't make sense to me, even the ones that are on TV where they have these women that are really good looking come out in hardly nothing doing the same. Sure I get the appeal of the women from the just looking at them but that whole thing of them fighting each other is something I never understood. That is why while watching this poor excuse of it I just wanted it to be over. None of the so called story lines these women had made sense so I couldn't even get into the mind set of saying yeah so that's why they are fighting. Not only that but I can't figure out what the stripper pole was doing there. Ok, so I get why kind of why, it was there, just for that whole women dancing on a pole. But other then just having one of the women come out to dance around it I don't see how it fit in with the wrestling.

The only thing I can say that I was impressed with was the stripper pole dance. No, I'm not talking about how the girls looked, but in the skill it took them to do what they did. The wrestling they did was below amateur and it was not entertaining nor did it look like it took much skill to do. But when one girl went up and back down a pole like she was a snake, and that was my first thought was that she was wrapped around the pole like a snake, and do it so smoothly that was something that not everyone can do. However, aside from this one small feature of this DVD, I just couldn't find anything good about Women's Extreme Wrestling.

The so called acting that the women did was horrible, them wrestling each other was performed just as poorly, and I kept getting the thought that some of these girls were taken out of a strip club and put in the ring because they wanted to try something different. There just wasn't anything entertaining about this DVD that I could find. There were no special features on the DVD to help out with what was lacking in the main portion of it. This whole thing was just near a pain to watch and by the time it was over I was glad it was. 


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